Anonymous ID: acafa9 Sept. 18, 2018, 3:59 p.m. No.3078406   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8521

Sorry for the length, but after reading HRC's long tweets of lies… I wondered what the flip side of those tweets might sound like… Hope at least one anon enjoys!




I've written a new tweet about "What Happened" breaking down what we've learned since it was published, how we got here, and how we can heal our body politic.


On the day after the election, the genesis of our hopes had been realized. The overthrow of the Deep State (DS) had begun. (((They))) were finished. It seemed like a dream after the turmoil of the election.


Hillary Clinton (HRC) refused to be subject to the law. The pollsters and the Main Stream Media (MSM) said we could not win. Hollywood mocked us and the propaganda tsunami almost drowned us.


And then there's the breathtaking corruption.


There is a tendency, when talking about these things, to wring our hands about the "Democrats." But the truth is that the needs of the many were being hijacked by the (((few))).


We should be clear about this: The increasing radicalism and boldness of the DS actors on both sides, including decades of demeaning, demonizing, and debasing, is what led to the Trump Presidency.


Whether it was stealing elections, manipulating minority groups through the lies of empty promises and revisionist history, disenfranchising rural Americans, creating wars for the sake of money, or muzzling true scientific climate reports, the DS was undermining the American Republic long before HRC lost.


With our Republic still on the way out of crisis and the Swamp still being drained, we need to do everything we can to fight this worldwide criminal cabal. Here's how.


First: We’ve got to encourage turnout in the midterms. There are fantastic Republican candidates all over the country who’ll do great things with President Trump, and we could finally see a truly representative Congress rather than the complete Obstructionism that has been birthed from Trump Derangement Syndrome.


Then, we need to do continue the housecleaning. Just like the reforms currently being made because of the exposure of the Obama Administration’s abuse of power, many more reforms must still be passed, such as extreme vetting of candidates. We certainly wouldn’t want an untrustworthy lying human trafficker thief to slip through the cracks, would we?


President Trump is improving and protecting our elections from illegal aliens, the zombie vote, election machine reprogramming, the politicalization and manipulation of the American citizen by the MSM, and getting pay to play money out in the open, and—you won't be surprised to hear my support for this—applauding the Electoral College for doing EXACTLY what it was meant to do!


Above all, we need to find a way to restitch the wounds perpetrated by the DS politicians with their mockingbird lying Media. We need to bring back TRUTH to education and rid our schools of the mental rape of future generation’s free will. We are finally getting systemic economic reforms that reduce inequality and give a strong voice to working families.


A Democratic Republic only works when we accept that We the People are in charge. We can’t just ask (by way of example), “Wasn’t it great when Hillary was justly executed for treason?” We have to ask, “Did we get ‘em all? Do we truly have a government of the people, by the people, and for the people that no longer gives any group of people MORE or LESS rights than others, but exhibits that all people are created equal?” Ultimately, healing our country will come down to each of us Patriots.

