ok neighbor what now theres still the half of metal strip in my face
there was the incident with the cracked forhead when i was 3, all the shit ive pulled out of my face from under teeth through my nose and the half of a lithium looking strip thing from under this other cracked tooth ive tried to pull
im about to just get some black tar and nitrous and deal with it im so sick man i want out of this fucking matrix, want to pull it for me?
this was a metal strip like from a energizer battery that you use for well lithium inโฆ..
im going outside meet me
the sim card in my id is wrapped in foil in the freezer should i burn it or call them and ask for my prize
osiris same thing
i know about los alamos billy gram lamfp i know you can see me this isnt my office retards its the man upstairs
go read the inscriptions on those coins
and get back to me fags