Anonymous ID: 24fa04 Sept. 20, 2018, 12:54 a.m. No.3101391   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1467

curryanon here, still working on hindi translations, but got sidetracked when i found out about Q&A.

and boy was it almond activating.


>aliens do really exist.

but did they make a deal with US deep state all those decades ago? Roswell part was ignored. Do aliens really exist / land ON earth? have they ever? will they ever in future? in what capacity? what is their official stand as to the progress and/or direction of humanity?


>moon landings were real.

those videos and pics though? to what extent were/are they (still?) doctored? completely re-shot / recreated ? anons need to learn to ask the right questions. Which, as evident from my previous attempts to asking such carefully crafted questions, Q will emphatically ignore.


>hidden-from-public programs do really exist.

military-industrial-tech decades ahead of public tech confirmed?


>COSMIC top secret nato clearance.

obviously related to anything happening in the cosmos, meaning asteroids to aliens crafts


but again


but what is the extent of the disinfo? 1%? 10%? 99%? and what part exactly? is everything non-terrestrial 100% disinfo? what percentage really?


damn, the ride truly never ends.

will get back to translating again now.