Anonymous ID: 2842c2 Feb. 15, 2018, 6:40 p.m. No.392375   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2981 >>3066

I don't trust statists or their lackey's to preserve my own rights, or the rights of any person, I see no good reason to do so, and hundreds of very powerful reasons not to. On the other hand it seems like what Q and the gang are doing is at least a step in the right direction, to rid this wretched world of demons.





How can you support a plan kept secret? How can you trust any organization veiled in secrecy that claims to have your best interests at heart? Why would you support anyone who claims to support your interests, but won't be forthcoming with virtually any information?


Freedom = understood Truth


Why didn't Plato teach with bread crumbs of Truth, instead of entire dialogues and allegories of Truth?

Of course, it is because a breadcrumb is only useful to people who are already extremely well studied about the topic at hand, (whereas allegories and dialogues are accessible to all) it has no value to even to an undergrad, or journeyman level of skill and understanding; but the bigger problem, how could anyone be extremely well studied about highly classified events?


We aren't living in the ancient past, there is no point in keeping documents secret to preserve them for the future, another incident like the razing of the Library of Alexandria is not possible anymore, unless humanity goes nearly or completely extinct.


The billions of people of the Internet will preserve EVERYTHING.

Anonymous ID: 2842c2 Feb. 15, 2018, 9:54 p.m. No.394149   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4323 >>4611



I think it's neat what is happening here, as far as anons organizing to solve political problems. I am a systems analyst myself, digital, mechanical, natural, etc. I'd love to be of help in something like uncovering a large scale cover up, but breadcrumbs are not sufficient. Also, I struggle to watch even one video from a big BS media corp, because of how full of shit it is, even if it might contain the next breadcrumb, I'm probably not going to see it. I've had so much BS piled on me by life in recent years, I don't go out looking for even more BS to sort through, even if there is a chance at finding one silver ring, in the one ton pile.


I'd really appreciate it if Q would just drop the cryptic pretext. Look, everybody who knows the name Q anon is going to be able to search through all the research being done by everybody. The only things that groups of anons won't be able to quickly decipher is the actual strings of coded information Q sometimes includes. I see no reason to keep up the cloak and dagger act.


Q's codes are obviously safe from being cracked, at least for the period of time they are active, otherwise he wouldn't be posting them in plaintext on a message board. My opinion, is that Q should just BE OPEN AND HONEST WITH PEOPLE. He wants trust? Trust Sessions, Trust the plan, how about EARN some trust, by telling the Truth. The "Truth" so hard to deal with, 99% of people would be hospitalized if they heard it. If they can't handle the Truth, what help could they possibly be in any situation except to a satanic controller?

Anonymous ID: 2842c2 Feb. 15, 2018, 10:18 p.m. No.394323   🗄️.is 🔗kun



If most people can not handle the Truth, but a good portion, or most of them CAN be rehabilitated to accept and serve Truth, then it's better to start hitting people with verbal gut punches now, and in a way which would allow those first to be hit with an unexpected Truth enough time to quickly recover, so that they can help the recovery of the much more hard headed people once all of their egos break with much harder Truths.