Anonymous ID: a995bf New Idea For Meme War Feb. 13, 2018, 8:59 p.m. No.370418   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0871

The Declaration of MemeWar #ThePurchaseOfTheWall

Section 1: The Warped Core Issue

Article 4, Section 4 of the United States Constitution:

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened), against domestic Violence.

Make no mistake, the illegal influx of persons entering into our various states, most definitely meets the criterion of an invasion. The Constitution says that the United States must protect all states of our union, from such invasion. How can every state be protected against this invasion? What powers or tools does the United States have to accomplish this mission? How can we the people force our Government to uphold our Constitution and protect us from the invasion of illegal aliens?

Our Democrat legislators refuse to act in the interests of our citizens. They wish to remain in power by legalizing and immediately granting citizenship for any and all illegal aliens in order to get their votes. I believe they have severely miscalculated the strength of their negotiating position. The Democrats think they can force the President to capitulate portions of his immigration plan by holding wall funding hostage. They are mistaken on this point. Donald Trump will not negotiate on reducing the minimum requirements of his immigration plan. The terms he has laid out are to be met. From the perspective of our POTUS, a master negotiator and leader, everything else entrails the process of sausage making for the legislators. He will not sign a bill that does not meet his requirements. Let us help our POTUS and give him an even stronger negotiating position.

Section 2: The Prime Directive

We will eviscerate the Democrat’s delusion that they can withhold funding for the wall. They have already lost. The crux of their loss involves the budget they just helped write and pass. The increase of defense spending by $165 billion dollars, is about $49 billion dollars more than requested. This increase is spread over the 2 years that the budget covers which means an increase of about $24 billion dollars each year above and beyond the initial request.



What was the projected cost for building an awesome wall covering the entire southern border of the United States?

Shall we will show to them just how epic their fail is?

Anonymous ID: a995bf Feb. 13, 2018, 8:59 p.m. No.370422   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0871 >>3608

Section 3: Make It So

The basis of this MemeWar is to have our military utilize the extra funding allotted to them to purchase the wall, a full and complete wall that covers the entire southern border of the US. It will take about 4-5 years to build, so the expenditure aggregated over time would be about $5 billion per year. This is well within the excess military allotment. My reasoning on how this could be possible begins from Article 4, Section 4, with the Government’s mandate to protect the States against Invasion. The primary tool most people would believe to be effective for this role would be utilization of our military to secure our border. That sounds great, except the Democrats and all the Normies would really freak out if the POTUS deployed active military troops on U.S. soil to directly engage in what is seen as a largely civilian law enforcement action. How can we overcome this freak out? It really is so simple. Think about it, the military builds base installations and facilities on U.S. soil all the time, as part of our national defense strategy. Just as the military contracts out this construction to qualified civilian companies, so should they too be able to do this for the entire wall. They are merely building an installation that the Secretary of Defense has determined to be in the interest of national security. This wall installation would have all the latest military grade tech, can be utilized and monitored by the DHS/CBP, and such monitoring would also be connected to our military in case of a national emergency or war. Upkeep of the wall could be contracted out or performed by the Army Core of Engineers or perhaps even the local state National Guard.

While the last Great MemeWar #ReleaseTheMemo was most excellent and successful, we must learn from our enemies and overcome the methods they use to deter us. In this regard I will discuss, key usage of specific language within the meme constructs and posit some tactics to help us achieve even greater power over the MSM narrative. I will also post some sample memes to give Anons an idea of what I mean.

Usage of language in our memes must keep the Normie freak out in mind. Language to avoid: anything similar to #MilitaryBuildTheWall. This may be implied by the MSM and Democrats as meaning the deployment of troops on our soil to make this happen. To eliminate this irrational talking point would be to utilize specific terms such as ”Buy” or “Purchase”. For example #MilitaryBuyThatWall, #PurchaseTheWallForSecurity, #ThePurchaseOfTheWall

Enemy defense tactics during our last worldwide operation, Twitter utilized hashtags against us. They were caught a bit off guard for a few hours but they eventually killed #ReleaseTheMemo from trending on individual account feeds. They may have identified and eliminated or suspended accounts that were sending out mass tweets with the same hashtags from the same IP. They may also have placed a large number of accounts into Twitter jail for using certain hashtags at a certain rate from any given account. Additionally, Twitter may have suspended account creation from certain networks or IP’s to counter the additional creation of burner accounts once our Anon’s burner accounts were getting shadow banned or taken out of commission.

One messaging countermeasures could be to not utilize any primary campaign hashtags in your tweet text. Instead utilize other trending tags, in your text on a rotating basis so they will have difficulty targeting the Anons who are mashing the memes out. As far as the usage of our primary hashtags that we are trying to promote, let the Normies do it. :) The memes we will utilize will have the various primary hashtags within the meme itself. This will help us to avoid account lockdowns especially if you moderate your tweet rates a little slower and utilize the excellent software another Anon gave us to randomly modify meme image characteristics. This is for three reasons, reduce you exposure to account hashtag targeting, reduce targeting based on image checksums, and for the mass number of Normies out there that we are teaching, they can use the hashtags in their tweets and retweets. These are just a few ideas for Twitter. Other Anons with experience on other social platforms will have to contribute their knowledge to help the cause.

Afterall, what is best in MemeWar? To mock our enemies, to see them driven mad before us, and to hear the lamentations of their pundits.