Anonymous ID: 2dbb15 Sept. 19, 2018, 9:04 a.m. No.3087763   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7854 >>8300 >>8304

Concerning the Pelosi-Schumer-Schiff-Warner Ultimatum:

Evidently members of congress failed civics/government 101. The Constitution provides for a separation of powers. The legislative branch is charged with enacting laws. The executive branch is charged with enforcing laws. The legislature failed to enact laws specifying the classification of official documents and delegated that authority to the executive branch. The president, revising prior executive orders, issued and signed EO 13526 in 2009 which was placed in the Federal Registry and has the function of law. If the congress in 2009 or later deemed EO 13526 was inadequate or improper, they could have introduced a bill to address classification and declassification of official documents.Incidentally, in 2009-2010, the House, Senate, and White House were controlled by the democrat party and could have formulated a working bill. They did not and delegated the legislative authority to the Executive branch. In addition, the intel branches are a part of the Executive branch. Therefore they do not work for nor employed by the congress. As executive orders are directives by the President as permitted by the US Constitution, the orders carry the weight of law as those enacted by congress. By congress "warning" agencies not to comply with the executive order, they are "ordering" them to violate the law and the Constituion. Threats or actions taken against agencies could be considered seditious conspiracy under codified laws enacted by congress (18 USC Ch 115). Also, declassification allows for a more open and transparent administration and it would reveal to the public the corruption that warranted the investigation. Makes no sense that these members of congress would oppose such action.

Thus it proves Q, "These people are stupid."