>>3088413 lb
That's why I love ebot. Spits truth all day everyday.
Soon....you will SEE.
>>3088413 lb
That's why I love ebot. Spits truth all day everyday.
Soon....you will SEE.
Perfect, you won't like what I have to say anyway.
Amazing what music does. The right music anyway.
Trump is of the Hitler bloodline and a Maitre hybrid which is a warmonger. That work with the Vlash who control Israel and the Vatican. We are watching a show.
Two sides of the same coin. Except when they fight for power and territory. MAITRE haven't held the white house. They hold Germany.
Nope. Though he fucked up when he came to America and was punished and so were his seed.
Meh lol. Their choice to do whatever.
That is why he caught big shit.
It was discussed if he should die or not. Instead him and his children and their children were to bring Karistus hybrids over. He was stripped of all else. Why do you think he landed in Portugal first when he came back.
Right. ;)
Nope. You think Google tells the whole truth and nothing but the truth? Hahahahahahahahah! Come on!
I have already done the work. A few times. I don't need validation. Awe I'm filtered? That so sad. Let me call my therapist.
I still can't figure those planes out. What are the purpose of those planes?