That is fucking masonic.
Whats the fucking point of doing this if its just gonna be masons showing symbolism in between posts. What the fuck is going on here?
That is fucking masonic.
Whats the fucking point of doing this if its just gonna be masons showing symbolism in between posts. What the fuck is going on here?
I was fighting against one of the shills in the night bread a week or so ago. One of them made an argument that there is secret masonic elements inside of the Q team and when I saw the reflection chamber painting it made me upset. Now that they have been outwardly exposed they must shill
A: Red herrings
B: Their symbolism covertly
A lot of masonic symbology maybe even inadvertently but still there. Everywhere actually you see the owner of this chan is a freemason. There is a photo of him doing the ok hand sign over his eye like you see in illuminati collages. So if I see a fucking piece of trash masonic painting yea I get upset because the worst part of their antics is that they act as a hidden hierarchy of gatekeepers.
And lets be real here there is most likely masons (maybe) in some of the Q team because william cooper noted he was only allowed into military naval intelligence after checking he was in demolay as a child. So yes they may be masons but they are superseding the masonic death grip to have a restoration of human potential against the luciferians. At least we can hope something like that. That is most likely the subject that can not be mentioned that Q talked about. However he is giving us the nod to do so ourselves with KEYSTONE SYMBOLISM WILL BE THEIR DOWNFALL FROM DARKNESS TO LIGHT
As long as this is not a trap to enable the classic masonic fema camp marital law scenerio then its alright. Maybe even groundbreaking heroic if we can work together to stop the monsters.