>Yes, this General is a filthy scumbag leaking traitor.
There is more to this story.
Look who shows up in it…
>Cartwright spoke to the reporters "to protect American interests and lives in a story they had already written," said defense attorney Greg Craig, Obama's first White House counsel. "In his conversations with these two reporters, Gen. Cartwright was engaged in a well-known and understood practice of attempting to save national secrets, not disclosing classified information. His effort to prevent publication of information that might harm American lives or national security does not constitute a violation of any law."
Greg Craig
Of Skadden. Mixed up in the Manafort and Ukraine case.
What a coincidence!
Iran - check
Nuclear - check
Craig - check
RR - check
There is much more to this story, guaranteed.
I don't think we can draw conclusions what side Cartwright is REALLY on.