Anonymous ID: 5e0c15 Sept. 19, 2018, 7:28 p.m. No.3097117   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I won't debate it here but i'm not buying it.. and if he knows the faith he quotes all the time 'he' should know better as well. That one post will lead many to lose faith and i'm baffled at it.. Since Trump is Christian and those posting as Q quote Biblical Scripture I think it's fair to remind them of what the Bible says as far as deception and that we will see all kinds of signs and whatnot and the Apostle writing to us with the guidance of the Holy Spirit warned us 'do not believe it!' I always joke with God reminding him He could land aliens in my front yard and I would know demons are tricking me.. and if you're Christian this is what you're called and warned of to believe as well.. the vastness of space isn't there to hold alien life, it is there to remind us of the vastness and greatness of God compared to us.. God is infinite in comparison.. the vastness of space lifts us out of this world reminding us that God is just that.. vast in comparison.. So to me, and those who should believe similarly.. if 'aliens' are ever 'discovered'.. we're not to believe it.. we're to see it as deception because if we choose to believe it we reject Who God is and Who He told us He is and what we are to believe about Him.. and this is the aim and intent of the deception. I personally believe the world will discover such things.. but we must remember what those 'things' are and remember what we were warned of to do.. hold fast to faith and never waver because it's a test of faith. So for Q who posts as a Christian to say we're not alone.. utterly irresponsible and scandalous to the Faith he quotes and to those who believe in It. For me it completely calls credibility into question because it's the one thing that should always be firmly believed if you claim to have God with you.. that there is but one God and we know His Word and what is not in It.. what he posted tonight is contrary to Scripture and thus must be rejected.


I'm upset and angry more than anything because I know well the forces of deception that seek our loss of faith.. I've seen them work in the lives of people and i've seen people lose faith and thus God. They will tell 99% truth to gain your trust and then drop that 1% lie that causes the loss of your soul.. that is the demonic in action. I realize there are different beliefs around us and even here.. but as I said above.. don't quote me the Bible and then not believe in all of it yourself.. that is nothing short of demonic and even if it costs the loss of one single soul.. it was worth everything he not have posted it. We truly are at war here and it's much larger than anyone realizes..