Anonymous ID: 2997ec Sept. 19, 2018, 8:18 p.m. No.3098074   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8101 >>8211 >>8221 >>8240



That would set many at ease.


I suspect this was not only a system test but also a test of the ability of the Anon's to think critically while under the stress of such fantastic circumstances. See how quickly they can recover and get back to critically analyzing the situation to calm the masses.

Anonymous ID: 2997ec Sept. 19, 2018, 8:25 p.m. No.3098242   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Professor on French Interior Minister Resignation: 'It’s Perfectly Logical'


French President Emmanuel Macron has suffered a blow to his presidency with the announcement that his interior minister, Gerard Collomb, will resign next year. Sputnik spoke to Professor Paul Smith of the University of Nottingham to get his take on this string of resignations in French government, and how it has affected Macron's popularity.


Sputnik: Why have we seen three of Macron’s ministers resigning in the space of a month?


Dr Paul Smith: I think it’s very odd; even the French media have caught this kind of ‘flu’ as it were, that everything that goes wrong is clearly a weakness in Macron and the system. For me, it’s perfectly logical that someone like Collomb would do that – it’s a staged withdrawal from cabinet, he’s not resigned over a key issue, he’s announced that he will be standing down. We’re going to see a number of key figures among Macron supporters leading the electoral fight in municipal elections – in Paris, in Bordeaux, in Marseille. In all of these cities Macron needs his heavyweights to be deployed and because Collomb is well established in Lyon – he used to be Mayor for the city but also senator for the department – he has the contacts and he has the reputation. So I think there’s a kind of blindness in the media to see any kind of weakness. I see it as a very canny strategy.


Sputnik: However, it’s also true that Donald Trump’s poll ratings are better than Macron’s – a Kantar Sofres Onepoint poll published on Monday found only 19% of French people had a positive view of Macron, 60% expressed a negative opinion – quite a drop since his time of election; what do you think the main reason for this is?


Dr Paul Smith: I think the problem for Macron is that as yet nobody is really seeing any kinds of benefits from the reforms he has introduced. But he is developing… The political system is much more… There is a much more vigorous opposition – there’s a lot of opposition to Donald Trump but it’s not organized – there’s a much more vigorous opposition in terms of trade unions and political parties. Not that that opposition is particularly unified in France but there are a lot of different places where people can express their opposition and so that’s filtering through. So I think the problem is a year and a half into quite a significant reform program, and it’s yet to yield the returns. I think also you can’t get away from the fact that Macron comes out with statements sometimes and you really wonder what he was thinking when he said it. Sputnik: To what extent do you think the Benalla scandal has affected him and will continue to affect the President’s popularity?


Dr Paul Smith: I think it has affected him. Benalla himself has turned out to be something of a slippery character in the sense that today, in his hearing before the Senate commission, he was full of contrition and full of careful explanations and so forth and in previous interviews he’s been much more aggressive and much more forthright. I think people are trying to get their heads around exactly who this person is. I think it did Macron harm back in the spring and the summer. I think now the French public are beginning to get a bit frustrated by what’s going on. But the questions that are being asked of him by the Senate commission are still pertinent questions; and the affair will drag on.

Anonymous ID: 2997ec Sept. 19, 2018, 8:33 p.m. No.3098426   🗄️.is 🔗kun

California - Pervert Plumber Behind Hidden Camera in Starbucks Bathroom


Union City authorities have released on Wednesday new revelations on the case of a hidden camera found in a Starbucks bathroom in Union City.


The authorities identified the suspect behind the installing of a hidden camera inside a restroom at the Starbucks on the 3200 block of Dyer St. as 35-year-old David Lista. Lista works as a plumber, and authorities suspect he may have also illegally recorded on video unsuspecting victims who he worked for.

Anonymous ID: 2997ec Sept. 19, 2018, 8:36 p.m. No.3098487   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8694

Democrat Beto O’Rourke attacks police as ‘the new Jim Crow’ just days after praising cops


A shocking video shows Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D-Tex.) comparing police officers to those who implemented racist Jim Crow laws of the post-Civil War South.


“Shooting that person solely based on the color of their skin”


O’Rourke, who is challenging Republican Senator Ted Cruz for one of Texas’ seats in the U.S. Congress, was speaking to a HBCU town hall in Prairie View, Texas, when he made the stinging comments against the police.


“We’re talking about criminal justice reform,” O’Rourke said to the audience, “let’s talk about where this problem started.”


“When contractors needed labor,” he explained, “they would talk to local law enforcement who would arrest African-Americans who were violent or petty crimes frivolous offenses, those contractors would describe the number of bodies that they needed, and law enforcement would provide those bodies.”


“And when they look at the remains,” he claimed, “in that graveyard, they see evidence of muscles literally torn from the bone, people being worked to death in these convict chain gangs.”


“People who became convicts solely by dint of the color of their skin in a system that was radically unjust,” O’Rourke continued.


“The new Jim Crow”


“Following what we thought what was the end of that injustice at the end of the civil war, that injustice,” he added, “too many more people here than I know firsthand, continues to persist today.”


“That system of suspecting somebody solely based on the color,” he continued, “searching that person, solely based on the color their skin, stopping that person solely based on the color of their skin, shooting that person solely based on the color of their skin, throwing the book at that person, letting them rot behind bars, solely based on the color of their skin.”


“It is why some have called this,” he concluded, “I think it is an apt description, the new Jim Crow.”


He'll need a padded room at Gitmo!

Anonymous ID: 2997ec Sept. 19, 2018, 8:41 p.m. No.3098580   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8621

Oakland City Council Passes ‘Abolish ICE’ Resolution


Oakland’s city council unanimously approved a resolution on Monday evening calling on Congress to abolish Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).


Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf made headlines months before Democratic-Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D) upset longtime Rep. Joe Crowley (D-NY) in a primary earlier this year when Schaaf alerted illegal immigrants in the Bay Area of impending ICE raids. Schaaf also signed a letter calling for ICE to be abolished.


Councilmember Rebecca Kaplan, who authored the resolution, told the East Bay Citizen that “ICE’s actions have had ramifications in our own backyard.”


“ICE came into West Oakland and tore apart a family while falsely slandering them–claiming it was a criminal case–when they were filing a civil deportation action and no criminal charges,” she reportedly said. “We’ve now experienced enough of ICE telling lies, ripping apart families, and leaving guns loose where they get into the hands of murderers and spreading racism.”


Oakland, which has been a “sanctuary city” since 1986, has in recent years passed resolutions that declared that ICE’s presence in “Oakland is causing trauma in the community, and causing a chilling effect that weakens cooperation with local law enforcement” and prohibited the Oakland Police Department from providing “law enforcement assistance, including traffic support, to ICE including any subdivision of ICE, in any capacity, except to respond to a public safety emergency.”