Anonymous ID: 800ba2 Sept. 19, 2018, 8:12 p.m. No.3097954   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8111 >>8510

WHY CHRISTINE BLASEY FORD’S HIGH SCHOOL YEARBOOKS WERE SCRUBBED: Faculty Approved Racism, Binge Drinking and Promiscuity


This is an excellent read and very pic heavy for proof sauce. This person had the sense to check out the yearbook before it got scrubbed.


A couple snippets:




“Lastly one cannot fail to mention the climax of the junior social scene, the party. Striving to extend our educational experience beyond the confines of the classroom, we played such intellectually stimulating games as Quarters, Mexican Dice and everyone’s favorite, Pass-Out, which usually resulted from the aforementioned two.”


Also note that at the bottom of the caption above, the girls mention their male conquests with great pride:


“No longer confining ourselves to the walls of Landon and Prep, we plunged into the waters of St. John and Gonzaga with much success.”




“Beach week culminated the year for those of us lucky enough to go. With school and our minds in temporary recess, we were able to release all those troubling inhibitions of the past year. While dancing in the middle of coastal Highway, Ann [redacted last name] and friends picked up some men who passed out in their apartment…”


“Other seniors preferred to expand their horizons and date younger men, usually sophomores, who could bring the vitality and freshness of innocence to a relationship.”




In conclusion, please look again at the page above. In the final passage, the joy of passing out and forgetting everything you did the night before is praised:


“And there were always parties to celebrate any occasion. Although these parties are no doubt unforgettable, they are only a memory lapse for most, since loss of consciousness is often an integral part of the party scene.”

