Anonymous ID: d67331 Sept. 19, 2018, 10:13 p.m. No.3099951   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Dr. Ross: Well, part of the problem is that when you get to the most sophisticated Manchurian candidate experiments, they are described somewhat vaguely. This whole thing is in a pyramid shaped hierarchy. Where creation of the Manchurian candidate is up at the summit and at the lower levels of the pyramid there are all kinds of investigations, of all kinds of things, which are all pieces of the jigsaw puzzle on how to create a Manchurian candidate; which is an artificial multiple personality for use in missions and operations. So you will see one person working on use of LSD in interrogation, another person working on hypnosis, and another person working on sensory deprivation. Some of these people are just regular academics that were doing grants and then some have top secret clearance and know that it is either CIA or military intelligence experimentation. Then the people on the next layer up are taking some of the pieces and putting them together in the same experiment.


So an example at that level would be a man named Amadeo Maratzi who worked at Edgeware Arsenal for a period of time in Maryland. Which is a big biological, chemical, and psychological warfare weapons development center. He was at the University of Minnesota later where he had a grant from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, which is published in the medical literature. You can just go to the medical school library and photocopy it and the paper includes the acknowledgment that it was funded by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research.


What he did, basically, he got subjects and put them in an Ames Leaf room. An Ames Leaf room was a room first built by a guy named Ames who was funded by the Office of Naval Research. Basically its an 8 by 12 cubicle box open at one end. The subject sits just inside the box so that he can't see outside and all he can see is the walls, the walls are all lined with leaves, leaves that have been pasted all over the walls. The subject wears goggles with a special kind of lens called Nisaconic lenses, which was also developed by Ames and related researchers. What these lenses do is distort all the angles. One side of the room the leaves are all big and sticking out, on the other side of the room they seem small and flat. The floor will be sloping up on them at a crazy angle, and the angle of the walls doesnt fit with the angles of the floor and so on. Then what you do is you see a photograph of the person from behind and they have two little knobs they can turn which adjusts a white bar at the far end of the leaf room. The subject has the bar adjusted where it looks horizontal to him, but its actually tilted at quite an angle.


So he's in the Ames leaf room wearing nisaconic lenses and he's on LSD. The LSD was supplied by the Air Force. The purpose of this has two aspects. One is I mean, its unbelievable that anyone would ever had done that, but there it is sitting on the shelves of the medical school library. On one hand its clever and its a part of trying to figure out the uses of LSD in interrogation, mind control, and brainwashing. Then on the other side its kind of really stupid because the net conclusion of the research basically was, if you sit in an Ames leaf room wearing nisaconic lenses stoned on LSD, you cant see straight. I mean its all kind of colossally dumb in one sense but these are all pieces of the puzzle when you get to the actual creation of a Manchurian Candidate for use in operations. All those elements are being used but the exact formula basically is still classified.


But its really a combination of selecting subjects who are really susceptible. That is, theyre good hypnotic subjects, either highly dissociative, highly trance-prone, and maybe with a trauma history. So you go through some sort of selection/screening procedure to get people who are good for mind control experimentation. Then its a combination of good cop/bad cop techniques used on them. Having control of their life space so that they're either in the military, in a prison, in a mental hospital or they are in some sort camp of some kind so you have really solid control of who they talk to, who they know, and what they do.