Anonymous ID: 07bef4 Sept. 20, 2018, 2:02 p.m. No.3110049   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0060 >>8834

So, Q did seem to confirm a plane hit the Pentagon on 9/11

However, from my own digging, I've come to the conclusion that building was blown up by a missile or a bomb


TLDW: Basically, according to many witnesses interviewed right after and then a few years later, the airplane likely approached the Pentagon from a slightly diff. direction and probably a lot slower than in official report

Also, there's pretty smoking gun evidence that the taxi cab driver whose car got impaled by the light pole supposedly knocked down by the plane was part of the plot, his wife worked for the FBI and secret service likely helped stage the damage

At least check out the last 10 mins of the linked vid of Lloyd that taxi driver changing his story and saying:

>"It's not the truth, it's his story. It's got nothing to do with the truth. It's his story!… This is too big for me man, this is a big thing. You know, this is a world thing happening, I'm a small man… I'm not supposed to be involved in this. This is for other people. People who have money and all this kind of stuff…"

Lloyd was just a pawn in all of this, be even so, it seems he still has a guilty conscience.


SO YES, there was an Boeing airplane that approached the Pentagon, at a slightly different angle and slower than noted in the report, but that airplane was not the one that impacted the building

There's lots more evidence to suggest that airliner did not hit the Pentagon

None of the witnesses actually claim to see the impact, just the plane approaching over head, and then hearing/seeing the explosion a bit later

Meaning, the c-ring hole was blown out of the building by a drone, missile or bomb that likely detonated within milliseconds or seconds of the plane cresting the building

By Q confirming a plane (i.e. airplane or a "a powered flying vehicle with fixed wings and a weight greater than that of the air it displaces") hit the Pentagon, is Q indicating that a drone (like the ones depicted), perhaps using some sort of stealth tech., tailed the airliner, flying right behind it, and impacted/blew up the Pentagon, right after the real plane crested the building and flew away unscathed and essentially unnoticed due to the cover the explosion and ensuing chaos provided?

This explanation makes sense the more I think about it.

As logistically wild as it may sound, I think was easier to hit the Pentagon with a missile/drone, using the airliner as cover, and with a corrupt FBI & co. to seize all the footage of the habbeing, than sneaking a giant bomb into a wing of the fucking Pentagon, which just so happened to house the Navy Command Center, positioning it into exactly the right location without people getting suspicious, and detonating at the exact right moment (after the airliner crests the building)