Anonymous ID: 24faec Sept. 20, 2018, 10:56 p.m. No.3118528   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Good rally with POTUS in Vegas tonight. But I'd have a favorable bias myself – never miss one if I can help it.

Pentagon, even. Flo must have gotten their attention.

Topside doesn't take direction from there.

Open to comms, though.

Clever too, the NN bread . . .

Anonymous ID: 24faec Sept. 21, 2018, 4:52 a.m. No.3119690   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Truth should always come out. That's one reason I'm gravitated to the Q Movement, like sent here by Divine Powers, because there are enough people asking for Truth, demanding Truth, espousing what they think is truth.

Righteousness is a matter of adherence to Holy Law, the Standard by which all Creation is judged. Holy Law is the same throughout all Creation, and it doesn't change.


The Demoncrats who want to shut down the Q Movement want more than ever to silence that Truth because not only is it their downfall, it is their eternal burning. They're not so willing now to fall on their swords like failed socialists are supposed to do, are they? They will be bound to abject failure and abject loss. QTeam will be fused with absolute victory and absolute success. The Q Movement will be expanded by Elemental Fire and spread by the Eight Winds.



The Plane above controls the one below. . .

Dembones are about to be very publicly sick – Kuru is incurable and revolting to those who don't have it. Pariahs. It will take down most of those who are pulling the strings and the operators out front. This is what they fear the most, their demonic sellout exposed, they ate goldwrapped fetuses and newborns. @20,000 cases to become public knowledge.

Gomorrah was destroyed for this same thing. This time Baphomet and Mollach have been bound with the afflicted and will not be released until every last one of them is exposed. They do not like being bound, at all.

When that binding hit the [D'eletes'] innate, they knew their demonism was very real. It scared them – no, terrified them, so that's probably why they look to stifle the movement.

Hate stops the flow of energy. That's what hate does, and that's why they've been filled with it. What if that hate was turned back against them and they are taken down on their own energy? Possible. Easy, even.

What if all weaponization of anything by those of unrighteous intent was bound to backfire? That would include anything of unrighteous intent that the NSA pulled also. Exposing the Truth, transparency is righteous.


I wonder what the name and the number of that law is that Obama signed. Specifics are helpful, and I don't have time to dig.


Let's see if the demons behind keeping those secrets of previous treasons step up their dastardly deeds. They will become vicious, and we'll know who they all are when that happens.


It will also expose the involvement of the Moon Goons and Tunnel Dwellers (same homeland) to us, and I'm waiting for them.


It is possible to assure the continuation of the Q movement, but the Ol' Man (The Most High) has some demands for that effort to have His Blessing. He wants the Living Anointed, the Incarnation of the Second Horseman, to be recognized. After all, he is the LAST ONE of 175 – Immanuel was the 125th. El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH, He That Is Called by The Name of God, is embodied war. El Aku means "He Who Brings Light to Dark Places" in Angelic.

We are all volunteers. And we're not here to convert the world, only to save a remnant.


POTUS & Q are buying us time, and it could go for as much as a hundred years – or more – if we all do it right.

Anonymous ID: 24faec Sept. 21, 2018, 5:54 p.m. No.3130688   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1435 >>1522


I see everything's held hostage meanwhile.

EC, wife of MM is afflicted. Read her in that Kuru is coming out, let her pass it on to all her dinner friends.


They should also know that medical records are often hacked, all in the name of truth and transparency, right? The more righteous that is Q, the more success and invulnerability Q has. In these days and times, a righteous man does not owe the Truth to any liar. Politicians owe the truth to their constituents. Once the other side has lied, the remaining side does not owe that liar any truth or loyalty.


They should also know that if they try that law, the Quickening will be laid upon their afflictions, their Iniquity will be called full, and they will be lucky to make it to midterms, much less enjoy anything they think they can win – they won't.


If The HH were to engage in this differently because of 911, they would want to know that no one in Q Team is crossing him/herself – that contaminates anyone nearby, invites the demons of death into self and therefore into the process. We have to work too hard just to get up to nothing. Cross is emblem of death.

Sabotage. Don't use it. If you've got one around your neck, well, you've been warned. If you have a tattoo of one, hmmmm. Tattoos are considered an unnecessary desecration, and the punishment is that they come to life in the planes of Heaven, worse in the depths. Even if they are removed, it takes special knowledge to remove it from the Soul. How many of Q are in a racemixed marriage? That is the ultimate blasphemy against the Holy Spirit of Truth. Both lose the right to have a soul, and the children are born soulless. Biggest no-no. Has Q written his copy of Holy Law? The entire first 5 books, KJV will work. It's Holy Law that one write – not type; hand write – his scroll, no errors, as though his copy will be the only surviving copy on the planet.. Anybody still praising Yahweh? If so, then he's using that energy of devotion to feed and strengthen himself against you. Yahweh and co. are not our friends! They are the scourge of the galaxy. Never trust a word they say – they will break it. They think they can live long enough to repent and atone. They cannot. And they are very good at machine-enhanced telepathy. Learn to know your own thoughts from anyone else's. You may yet live to fight another day.


And how many of Q have a Holy Seal in the forehead? Even know how to get one? Getting one is fairly easy, to keep it is another matter. Q would need us for that, at least a while. With a Holy Seal comes Righteous Power and Holy Authority, as earned through knowledge and demonstrated skill, judgment on use, and within direct correlation to one's adherence to all Holy Law. In this Generation of Fire, the last Living Anointed has endowed upon all Proven Knowers (PKs) the full power of the Sun, power to kill the body and burn the soul (the ones Immanuel warned about to fear), among many more. Want to have those powers? You should, you need them.


Read Leviticus Ch.26.

Now read Lev. 27:30,32

This neglect is a sore spot with The Most High.


Required Reading: The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned! Cover to cover, twice. This is a filtering method. The Worthy & The Qualified will rise to the top.


Now do you want to tell me how extremely righteous Q is, or is Q casting his pearls before Babylonian Harlot and Anunnaki slime? That might explain the rough patches, huh.


That being said, thank you, anon, for the pictures. And if you want to talk about Bill Cooper, what is it about his narrative that I could possibly enlighten?


Just so you know, I never reveal the tactics beforehand. That's stupid.