Anonymous ID: 4ca1c9 Sept. 20, 2018, 11:29 a.m. No.3107635   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8300


Just because you trust someone does not mean you can trust everything they tell you. Q is the one that said: Disinformation IS necessary. This info will come out later. I can't stop thinking of all the folks who were on the scene that said they didn't see a plane or any wreckage.


So, why did he confirm aliens if it's "Highly classified?" Thought he couldn't do that. My only explanation is that we already know anyway so he's not confirming anything that hasn't already gone mainstream. They even had an event to Announce it to the world but most of the world ignored it.


And, Tucker, even interviewed someone about it. So, they are preparing us for that reveal, which, most of us, that are open minded have already confirmed for ourselves.


I wish he'd tell us exactly what they are hiding in the skies and what's up with that glaring white sun simulator!