Anonymous ID: e75d71 Sept. 20, 2018, 8:11 a.m. No.3104557   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Official story: Big Jetliner "plane"


The flight path was allegedly very difficult, if possible at all, to maneuver with a big jet-liner.


The "hole" in the building was obviously way too small for a big jetliner, and the absence of evidence of impact where the engines would have hit points to it not being a big jetliner.


The absence of identifiable parts of a big jetliner…


But a "plane" is a pretty big span of sizes, designs etc…




A plane that can easily fly the flight path, impact creating a hole like the one observed and do not have wings sticking out very far. That's what we're looking for.


On the video it really looks like a big missile, but the first few frames makes me think delta-wing. So why not a jet fighter? For me that seems plausible at this point. I believe there have been technology to remote-control those since at least the 70's…