Anonymous ID: ec7b3c Sept. 20, 2018, 7:31 p.m. No.3115279   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9690

Anons, requesting candid feedback to this idea.


Plane hit the Pentagon? Really?

Cognitive dissonance meter pegged! Does not compute.

Abundance of evidence indicating missile, not Boeing 757!

Of the (4) 9/11 planes, this is the easiest one to prove “no plane.”


So…what gives with Q? Q is extremely righteous, ‘knows all, sees all, has it all’


Possibilities (to overcome cognitive dissonance)


  1. Q is right, plane hit the building (Q will provide more tangible evidence in the future to overcome the current vast body of ‘no plane’ evidence)


  1. Q is telling us a fib (disinformation is necessary)


Under what conditions would Q lie to us? I think he has given us hints already


What if Congress/Obama passed legislation requiring NSA to stop 9/11 truth-teller leakers and disassociate US Gov from 9/11 (pic related)?


And if the NSA is required by law to disassociate USG from 9/11, but did the opposite, then (((they))) could use new NSA/IG [Robert Storch] to investigate Q and shut down the Q movement


Q would have picked the most obvious of the attacks (Pentagon) to ‘disassociate the USG from 9/11’ so [Storch] could report back to the (((demoncrats))) that the NSA is complying with the law…knowing Anons are much too smart to be tricked by something so obvious, and knowing we would understand this as a ‘wink, wink, nudge, nudge, know what I mean? Trust the Plan’


As horrific as 9/11 false flag was, it brought about many new spy tools and lots of spy money that made the NSA what it is today


Where would we be today without the NSA? With a witch leading us into WW3 for mass depopulation?


So we don’t want (((them))) to weaponize 9/11 truth movement against the NSA


Therefore, 9/11 truth may have to wait until the white hats have more control over legislation – Trust the Plan!


Plausible? Possible?