Anonymous ID: 1a017d "Q" 50,000+ People Asking Information Sept. 19, 2018, 11:05 p.m. No.3100511   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0525 >>0705

"Q" 50,000+ People Asking Information

CMKX/CMKM Diamonds Inc. was used in a "Government Sting"…..


The Government; SEC, FBI, CIA, DOJ USED "CMKM Diamonds Inc." (CMKX) As A "Government Stink" to bag all the "Dirty Wallstreet"……… Stock Fraud AKA: Naked Shorts ,Phantom Shares, "StockGate Conspiracy"


Money was collected for all of CMKX Shareholders in 2005 and placed in "Trust Accounts" from all The Bad Stock Brokers, Hedge Fund Agents, High-Powered Attorneys, Accountants, Transfer Agents, Major Banking Institutions, Brokerage Houses, and Clearing Firms. It occurred right under the noses of the SEC and NASD (now FINRA) that sold "Phantom Shares".


THEE…. "Robert A Maheu" (Howard Hughes' Right-Hand Man); Was Co-Chairman Of The Board Of Directors, Of CMKM Diamonds Inc. (Only During The "Government Sting" (about 9 months) In 2005.


The DOJ And The DTCC NEVER Released These Funds Designated To The Shareholders

~~~DOJ = "President Obama's ILLEGAL Slush Fund"

~~~Stolen Money Obama Used For "Tax Stimulus Checks" & To Support "Black Ops" Of "The Deep State"….. ILLEGAL

…. MAIN MEDIA NEWS; Only Short Negative Coverage To No Coverage At ALL………

…. RT NEWS Covered The Story A Few Times (more then American (Deep State) News Stations…..


QUESTION,,,,, Will The Shareholders Finally Be Paid The Funds That Where Collected And Put In A Trust Fund/s?

Do The Shareholders Have To Wait For The Revaluation Of the Dollar (Gold Backed)??


Does President Trump Know Of The CMXK Shareholder's Trust Fund/s

CMXK ID: 1a017d "Q" 50,000+ People Asking Information Sept. 19, 2018, 11:47 p.m. No.3100854   🗄️.is 🔗kun

CMKX/CMKM Diamonds Inc. was used in a "Government Sting"…..

Question…. will the Shareholders finally be paid the funds that where collected and put in a trust fund/s?

Do the Shareholders have to wait for the revaluation of the dollar (Gold Backed)??


Does President Trump know of the CMXK Shareholder's Trust Fund/s