Anonymous ID: 484297 Sept. 19, 2018, 11:16 p.m. No.3100616   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Orban's Moscow Visit A Middle Finger To EU After Last Week's Humiliation


The “salon des refusés” of political dissidents in the EU is getting bigger by the day. Less than a week after his government was condemned in a vote in the European parliament, Orban is in Moscow for talks about energy with Putin. His visit to Russia is the political equivalent of giving the EU the finger following last week’s humiliation.


Orban is not alone. In his battle with the EU over immigration and the rule of law, he is supported by Poland and the Czech Republic. Poland, which is also facing an Article 7 procedure against it by the European Commission, has vowed to protect Hungary, just as Hungary has vowed to protect Poland. So there is no way that the voting rights of either country can be removed, since the ultimate vote to do so requires unanimity. Orban also recently received the support of Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis and of the Italian Minister of the Interior, Matteo Salvini.


These politicians have voiced support for Orban's stance against immigration. But they also support his pragmatic approach to Russia. Salvini is a well-known critic of the Russia sanctions, and Italy has said they should end. Parts of the Austrian government agree, the Austrian Foreign Minister Karin Kneissl having recently had Putin as a personal guest of honor at her wedding, while the Vice-Chancellor, Heinz-Christian Strache, is well known for his pro-Russian and pro-Putin views. On the other hand, Chancellor Sebastian Kurz has reassured critics that Austria is rooted in the EU and shares its stance towards Russia.


The striking thing about Orban, and about his Central European allies (who incidentally include the Czech President Milos Zeman), is that they are from countries which, as Orban puts it, suffered greatly “under Russia” in the past. He is referring to the countries’ membership of the Warsaw Pact, and their subjection to communist rule, after World War II. In Hungary’s case, the suffering was especially violent because of the suppression of the 1956 revolution in Budapest by Soviet troops. Yet it is precisely these countries who today advocate a pragmatic relationship with Russia, while countries such as Britain, and even Germany, treat Russia as if it were still a communist dictatorship with the Cold War in full swing.


The irony is all the greater because Orban personally played a key role – but one which is often forgotten by historians – in bringing about the end of Soviet rule in Central Europe. His speech in Heroes’ Square in Budapest on June 16, 1989 on the occasion of the re-burial of the leader of the 1956 uprising, Imre Nagy, was the first time anyone in the Warsaw Pact had publicly called for the withdrawal of Soviet troops. The very making of this speech showed that the old taboos – and, with them, the power of the communist dictatorship – had collapsed. This was two months before the Hungarian government opened its border with Austria, allowing tens of thousands of East Germans to cross into West Germany, and five months before the Berlin wall came down. Orban’s contribution to the chain reaction which led to these later events was therefore decisive.

Anonymous ID: 484297 Sept. 19, 2018, 11:19 p.m. No.3100634   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0652 >>0694



Julianne Moore, Eva Longoria Release Video Thanking Brett Kavanaugh Accuser


Actresses Julianne Moore and Eva Longoria are among the celebrities and left-wing activists featured in a video montage, in which the women are seen thanking Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s assault accuser for coming forward with her allegation.


“We know how difficult it is to stand up to powerful people. We want to thank you for publicly sharing your story of sexual violence,” Grey’s Anatomy star Kelly McCreary says at the beginning of the two-minute video.


“The behavior you described was wrong and runs directly counter to upholding the law and promoting justice. He should not be confirmed,” say the women in the video, which also includes actresses America Ferrera, Gabrielle Union, and Amber Tamblyn.


“We can also imagine how shocking and overwhelming it must have been to have your truths shared on a national stage without your permission,” the women continue, reading a joint letter. “You should be the only decision-maker about how your story is shared, if ever.”


“We applaud your courage in coming forward for the public good, and we will be with you as you face the inevitable backlash,” the celebrity-studded video concludes. “Millions of us have your back. You and your testimony are credible. We believe you.”


Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford claimed that the judged attempting to sexually assault more than 30 years ago when they were both in high school. Ford has been invited to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Monday, but it appears that she will not show unless the

FBI undergoes an investigation into her allegations. The FBI has insisted that it has no interest or obligation to investigate Ford’s claims, as no federal crime has been alleged.


Judge Kavanaugh has repeatedly denied the allegation.


“If she shows up that would be wonderful if she doesn’t show up, that would be unfortunate,” President Donald Trump said of Ford Monday.