Anonymous ID: 424dee Sept. 20, 2018, 4:01 a.m. No.3102313   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2382


This bluebeans cult wasn't fun. I almost died after having delusions about cabal persecution and attempting to escape the damn planet. Heh. I jumped in a semi-frozen lake on a leap of faith expecting to get beamed up. Reading about all this, joining their mass meditations, and going vegan induced a psychotic break and had me hospitalized for 55 days back in 2016. I've since recovered. I would advise lurkers not to dive down this rabbit hole. The whole new age spiritual community was designed as part of the pretext for bluebeans.


>calling out the NSA of all agencies



Bostjan Kosir, aka COBRA the stone salesman mentions in one article that his entire "resistance movement" was spawned by deep state rats.


"This group grew out of agents within governmental and military organizations from this planet, who realized that this world was being largely manipulated and controlled by sociopaths and realized that they had to stop them. They were attacked and forced to take refuge in underground tunnels under New York in 1975. From there they have organized a worldwide network of underground bases and are now working tirelessly to take this criminal cabal down, arrest them, give them fair trials and the healing they need."


Sorry spooks, but I don't know if you'll be able to dodge the rope that easily. Human problems require human solutions. Always deflecting to some higher authority. "Don't blame me for eating all those kids, it was demon possession, I'm innocent, let live pls". "Democrats are actually all REPTILIANS working for the CHIMERA, put down your memetic pitchforks and join us in mass meditation". This shit can and will induce psychosis for the weak minded. Tread carefully. I knew this day would come, seeing this PFC mindtrash at the forefront of redpill central. Disclosure must be imminent. I'm fucking ready.

Anonymous ID: 424dee Sept. 20, 2018, 4:42 a.m. No.3102541   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2573


What I'm saying is that the same clown runs Aurora2012. The same ridiculous tachyon products are listed on both websites. It's a testament to our (((twisted))) understanding of energy and matter science. One look at the wikipedia article reveals a "theoretical" particle. There's an unfortunate, large, and growing community of people out there who pay charlatans out the ass for chakra cleansing crystal collections and theoretical healing devices operating on pure placebo and hopium. They scare people into thinking their consciousness is corrupted by archons or etheric parasites or demons and sell you the exorcism equivalent in your particular delusional subcategory. Particle physics is basically a bullshit distraction from the truth of wave physics. Everything is energy. Einstein's genius isn't in what he discovered, but what he managed to cover up.


Aurora was an earlier project. Bostjan Kosir became Ishtar Antares, then COBRA. I've made purchases via paypal which were directed to Slovenia. It's a pretty shitty larp for shekels when you break it down, but I feel he may be getting MILAB'd by deep state actors just like Corey Goode, strategically conveying all this new age mis/disinfo to infect advanced truthseekers approaching higher levels of awareness and interest in free energy/SSP technology with new age psychosis and vegan suicide cultism.