Anonymous ID: c0e062 Sept. 20, 2018, 2:46 a.m. No.3101914   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2035

The Vatican art [if you can call it that] reminded me of this…

Leonardo da Vinci's paintings…now there is some fugged up art. Still able to find it online. If you take his paintings and mirror them [cut them down the middle and mirror one side] you get some pretty funky images. A guy for some unknown reason did this in 2014 and this is what he got….

Anonymous ID: c0e062 Sept. 20, 2018, 4:24 a.m. No.3102441   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Been trying to tell them since the shit started last night. The anons are going to hang on to their own belief baggage and anyone that disagrees with them is a "fuktard".

I have been watching all night, and what I discovered as the problem I don't see as fixable for most. It is "Etymology" anon. As simple as that. Q is using correct word Etymology, and the anons have been brainwashed by decades of misused and mishandled 'words' and their meanings. It all boils down to 'language'. And today most throw words around like getting sloppy seconds. They have no idea of true common word meanings. They only know what the cabal has changed the words and definitions to mean now, today. And I do not see a fix for this for the masses let alone this board.

Examp. Q said "Consider the vastness of space". He did not say the Universe, nor 'outer space, or the cosmos. He just said "space". What is the Etymology of the word "space". I live in a 'space', so do you. Well if you are an ant in a terrarium, you would think 'space is vast too. But that is unacceptable because it goes against one's hardened belief system and they refuse to consider any other reasonable logic.

Anonymous ID: c0e062 Sept. 20, 2018, 4:51 a.m. No.3102587   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2593 >>2606 >>2609 >>2610


"Are we alone?"


There are approx 7 billion of us according to the government on this Earth.

So the question is truthfully answered.

If you try to read more into that you are not being honest.


"Consider the vastness of space."


did you know, you could put every one in the world [all 7 billion] in the state of Texas and each would person would have a 1000 ft home to live in. While the rest of the world would be empty.

that's 1000 ft for every man, woman and child.


Yes. The space is vast.

the answer was given correctly.

You just are not understanding the use of the word. Earth, the space you live in is vast. But you are told, it is overpopulated with no room left. There is plenty of room, however the corporations and governments have bought up huge chunks of land that belong to the people. The US government is not allowed to own any land except for the land its building sits on.