Funny but spain and portugal were pappal catholic puppets, and they expelled jews at the same time the inquisition ran wild and tortured anyone who wasnt a "good catholic".
As for ben franklin. I see you would rather believe an occultist who published a sourceless bullshit in 1934:
>On February 3, 1934 William Dudley Pelley, the occultist head of the pro-Nazi Silver Legion of America and publisher of the fascist The Weekly Liberation, ran an article in his paper (“Did Benjamin Franklin say this about the Hebrews?”) containing a supposed excerpt from the previously unknown diary of Charles Coatesworth Pinckney, South Carolina’s delegate to the Constitutional Convention.
>As presented by Pelley, “Charles Pinckney’s Diary” contained the record of a diatribe (or “prophecy”) by Franklin against Jews during the Convention, including a description of Jews as “a great danger for the United States of America” and as “vampires,” as well as an admonition to have the Constitution bar and expel them from the country lest in the future they change its form of government.
If you dont trust q gtfo. Youre wasting your time being here.