Intelligence must be morally autonomous.
Moral autonomy means an accurate understanding of ones environment is necessary.
We have no free will when someone else controls our common information supply. \
By providing us with prepared information of choices can be controlled. We voluntarily will chose what our opponent wants us to do.
This is Reflexive Control Theory. RCT is the theoretical basis for Information Operations, IO, in non linear war.
The way to protect yourself from manipulations of percieved reality is to learn IO tactics. While IO has a formal mathematical basis laid out by Vladimir Lefevre in "The algebra of conscience" we do not need to do the calculations to understand how, knowing what a population believes and what it wants to believe, it can be trivially manipulate to it's general detriment.
The details of the information used to manipulate are not important, understanding the concept is.
This is an information war. The battlefield is your head. If you don't learn the tactics you can't protect yourself and will be pushed around like a little red ball.