Anonymous ID: 5ac949 Sept. 20, 2018, 5:09 a.m. No.3102688   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2690 >>2707 >>2711 >>2721 >>2796 >>2971

Just a theory….


What if Q is a Jewish psyop.


They know they're fucked. Israel is demographically doomed and 2k years of pure Jewish evil: murder, lies, child sacrafice and subversion, will slowly leak onto the net for normies, once info is free again.


So they make a plan…. they 'save' America, in exchange for keeping their holocaust narrative, hiding 9/11 truth and not reversing the demographic genocide of whites they've been pushing.


Civic nationalism is a long term win for them. It's the end game for their ethnic genocide of whites. We KNOW they'll never stop their nepotism so they reign it in a little for optics and take another 100 years to destroy 'amalek'.


Remember anons, ANYTHING which attempts to hide Jewish evil is against us. Q will ultimately be tested by this.


66 million Russian Christains must receive compensation. World Jewry will pay. Slavery too. This is the tip of the iceberg. Taking all Jewish wealth doesn't begin to compensate the rest of the world. So we watch Q like a hawk and be prepared to break from anything which seeks to protect Jewish Supremacism.

Anonymous ID: 5ac949 Sept. 20, 2018, 5:28 a.m. No.3102830   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2907 >>2915


It's worrying for sure.


The Payseur thing is weak as well. One source from a long ago conspiracy guy. He didn't even mention the black nobility or the anglo zionist aristocracy. It's like they realised they can't get the Roths off the hook straight away so they play a long game.


If I were them I'd have a team of psychologist assessing what reactions everything I say were getting and what anons collectively would swallow. This would run alongside helping Trump oust the corrupt US bureaucracy. Truth is mixed with lies and they only need to convince a certain percentage, like a psychopath offering genuine help to gain trust.


And in the end I'd (((reveal))) that Mossad was undergoing a civil war and the 'good Jews' won and now we can go back to sadness about the holocaust, a slight slap on the wrist for Israel with a bit less overt funding for them and gentle demographic decline for whites whilst 'anti semitism' bleating goes dormant for a decade or so.


The power of a liar pretending to confess and turn over a new leaf would convince some normies. We must watch Q very closely and ensure that, ultimately, no truths about Jewish behaviour through history are hidden.


Sadly that will mean the eventual confiscation and redistribution of almost all Jewish wealth. Israel must be disbanded and, after such appalling evil, Judaism must acknowledge its right to exist is forfeit. Less children and inbreeding to dilute Judaism over time is their only path forward. They will be allowed to expire peacefully.


Until then, watch Q closely. NOTHING is certain yet and only a fool trusts blindly forever.

Anonymous ID: 5ac949 Sept. 20, 2018, 5:58 a.m. No.3103030   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3124


I think my message was clear. We need to ensure Jewish evil is brought to light. If you oppose that, you're here to subvert.


Anyone who absolutely does or does not trust Q at this point has lost their selfhood. Keep an open mind. Anons will work alongside as long as our interest and good is served.


As regards Spain and Portugal…. weren't they reeling from Jewish infiltration after it became popular for Jews to pose as gentiles to destroy their institutions? This has been their tactic for the last 400 years.


You knew that right?


Remember anons, keep an open mind and NEVER let your critical faculties relax…