Anonymous ID: b45cc7 Sept. 20, 2018, 6:36 a.m. No.3103368   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3378


Lastnight was watching Zero Dark Thirty, not sure which version of the movie it was, but I noticed something towards the end of the movie that I don't think has been brought up in any of the conversations I've seen here.


We all know what Q and Q+ is all about, but where did they get the information to even start this kind of operation?

They got it from Bin Laden's compound the night they killed him.

Navy Seals, who is under the DoD, were collecting every bit of intel they could from that compound.

When the seals got back to the FOB, generals and others within the DoD had a chance to view this intel that had just been collected.

Those generals and other high ranking military officers saw what was in that cache of intel and copied that intel PRIOR to handing it over to the C_A.

This explains why Obutma started his 'litmus test' for generals and ranking officers and firing them, destroying our military capabilities. Obutma KNEW Laden had information on him that was damning, those officers seen it and were fired over it.


Now, alot of that intel pointed back to US politicians, some of which were involved in the Twin Towers attack. Those in the DoD that had seen this intel, fortunately for us, were patriotic enough to put together a plan, "The Plan", "Stick to the plan", (and other slogans of that nature), the only thing left for them to do now, was find someone patriotic enough to work with them, thus enters Donald Trump.


They showed him the intel, and they showed him their plan for taking back the republic, and he agreed to work with them. Everything he is doing is pretty much already planned out for POTUS.

Sure, they have hit bumps in the road, but they managed to keep on track.

So when you read "Enjoy the show" type phrases, you know why. It's all scripted out already.


So let me reiterate, this whole situation going on within the US and other locations was made possible by killing 1 man. The first domino to fall, and it lead to so many more dominoes that we didn't know about.


So God speed and thanks DoD!