Anonymous ID: c51c70 Sept. 20, 2018, 6:04 a.m. No.3103072   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3250 >>3287




Get a copy while you can. Yearbooks were scrubbed from issuu after September 13. You can still find them on Google cache but not for long. The more I think about this yearbook discovery the more important it gets. This shows actively covering up for Blasey Ford. We know she scrubbed her social media but I don't think anyone has proof. This is proof of her/someone covering her tracks. Who can delete stuff from issuu? Why does it need to be deleted?

Anonymous ID: c51c70 Sept. 20, 2018, 6:28 a.m. No.3103287   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3351 >>3359




high school anons, translate this shit


fate tossed us into Middle School . . . and puberty. Not only did w e have to adjust to shaving our legs and wearing itchy undergarments, but w e had to abandon the security of the Lower School for an uncertain future in which loomed lockers and Friday detention. Many new students joined our class at this point and soon distinguished themselves as intellectually gifted, graceful, and compassionate people. Luisa insisted


on wearing the pelts of once thriving hayride at the Alnutt's farm and the rabbits to school. Lauren Sandler talked Middle School dance. The hayride was … and talked . . . and talked. Chrissy a blast, but the Middle School dance managed to accidently drop s o m e … well, it was a Middle School dance saliva on Mr. Caussin's head as he was — the girls gossiping on one side, guys descending the stairs. A n d Yvette strutting on the other, and Mrs. Hopkins on the balcony with a Duracell powered Schools, in a little tiff with A m y search light. The climax of the evening Edwards, slammed her up against a had to be watching David Tiger, (the row of lockers! one with the choker) leap across the Relationships with teachers were at a dance floor while his friend measured definite nadir, as well. Mr. Tupper, his strides. Or, for the brave few like exhibiting an inhumane streak, m a d e A m y Edwards and Holly, leaping over Sarah Pannier and Catherine Colby sit the balcony and roaming the campus through twenty minutes of his Modern with a couple guys. But no matter h o w European class when he caught them you spent your time at the dance, most running down the hall and yelling. A people agreed that you would have certain French teacher (think of "The been better off if you'd stayed h o m e Graduate") referred to us as cowboys … with your Andy Gibb poster (you on several occasions and was know, the one of him in the pink tights). convinced w e were giving her the evil eye, and sending hidden codes when Eighth grade was a year of w e shook our ankles during tests. discovery. The class (Admittedly, w e shouldn't have flung discovered Bare Traps, those rubber bands or that stuffed frog Bermuda bags, duck shoes, at her). Mary Nell, alias Ms. Harvey, had and Sport Sacs. Leland discovered the Chrissy clean the leech cage when she discomfort of a fractured coccyx as she discovered that Chrissy had bisected, hobbled around school looking like and thus effectively destroyed, her sea something out of a Preparation H anenome. W h e n he asked one day if commercial. Peggy discovered that the anyone would like to leave, Mr. Wilson capital of Maryland was not Rockville. watched half his Glee Club exit the music room behind Valerie Rousset and And the entire class discovered new heights of ecstasy as w e "blasted off Ann Gordon. with Miriam at her Bat Mitzvah With Dana Stewart as president and her m o m as room mother, w e started a celebration. Lynn Wells, our intrepid leader, scrapbook and began organizing social helped organize illuminating and functions with B O Y S , a m o n g them the