Anonymous ID: c7a08e Sept. 20, 2018, 5:16 a.m. No.3102745   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2822



Wasn't sure if this was disinfo or not but 8chan said it wasn't a DOS attack on Qresearch but other traffic that was the problem.


When Q said 410k IPs that might have been the entire 8ch site and not just Qresearch.


That is way more people than are on our page (by an order of about 1000) so unless there were 999 lurkers for every shitposter here (which seems unlikely) there is a bigger picture involved.

Anonymous ID: c7a08e Sept. 20, 2018, 5:37 a.m. No.3102884   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2895



I watched this break live (and was first to post it here as I saw it on BNN, a CDN business channel, when it broke via a tweet).


The whole thing stunk from the start. No proper crime scene security, TO cops said it wasn't murder (even though they didn't know what it was yet) and waited days to confirm.


They floated murder/suicide theory for a long time as well. People don't hang themselves off of railings or doorknobs. It won't work because natural instincts make people stand back up even if they were "attempting suicide".


Honey fought back, bless her heart, and had defensive wounds and broken finger nails. This was bullshit from the start.


Not surprised it had something to do with the Clintons.