Anonymous ID: b69c9e Sept. 20, 2018, 10:16 a.m. No.3106274   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Here is a perfect example of what we are dealing with in trying to educate a public which one does not want to be educated, two is unwilling to be educated or three just to stupid to be educated.


They for some reason are the only provider in tour service area of a big metropolitan area which provides business internet and phone service.


We called our service provider regarding internet and phone service and asked about upgrading our half-assed service since it has been a few years. They wished to help us upgrade and wasted 15 minutes of our time.


Knowing what we pay for phone and internet they were willing to jack the phone service up $6 per line for the same service and the internet up $20/month for going from 60/5 to 100/5 service.


The sad part is this guy was elated he was getting this "GREAT" deal for us and was trilled to be assisting us in this deal of a century.


The WTF comment didn't phase him even though all phasers were only set to stun instead of kill.


He could not comprehend why we would not upgrade. Hence the called ended and 15 minutes or one hole of golf is down the tubes.


And even though through this and all related news we are hoping to educate the masses who can't walk, talk and chew bubble gum.


God help us.


Captain Q we duly request to change phaser setting to kill.

Anonymous ID: b69c9e Sept. 20, 2018, 10:31 a.m. No.3106444   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Monday is the day of recognizing the truth. I am sure that Q has all conversations between relevant parties and how this bitch made everything up.


Monday is the day when the truth hopefully comes out and the Demoncrats all should look like fools, heads should roll and indictments made to soon be followed by arrests and lawsuits.


This all needs to happen on TV in front of the nation.