Anonymous ID: 2bfd0d Sept. 20, 2018, 11:15 a.m. No.3107334   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7690





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Anonymous ID: 2bfd0d Sept. 20, 2018, 11:18 a.m. No.3107390   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Retired Prosecutor Explains 'California Crazy' Perfectly In This One Conversation And Weighs In On US Supreme Court Fight: Close Encounters Of The Fourth Kind As Pamela Piles On Kavanaugh


My head was throbbing. Normally I’m out the door with my trusted canine Ripper at zero six hundred. This morning was different. A depressive malaise had set in after reading on the internet the night before about the Judiciary Committee agreeing that it was a swell idea that Kavanaugh’s accuser, that leftist apparatchik Christine Blasey Ford, should testify on national television about her alleged encounter 36 years before with, according to her story, a drunken 17 year old who had grouped her on the outside of her clothing before almost “inadvertently killing” her by clumsily trying to cup his hand to her mouth.


Never mind that Kavanaugh has lead an exemplary life for the past 36 years; is an upstanding member of his church; the father to two wonderful teenage girls and an accomplished jurist. Feinstein held on to the information till the last possible moment. Sure, that aged witch was convinced that Kavanaugh was really a pathological rapist. What she had in her tight little hands was sure evidence that Ruth Bader Ginsberg was in imminent danger of sexual assault should that fiend be nominated to the Supreme Court. Of course. That’s why Feinstein and the Washington Post hung on to the information for two months, only springing it at the last minute just before the confirmation vote.

Anonymous ID: 2bfd0d Sept. 20, 2018, 11:22 a.m. No.3107471   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7492 >>7497 >>7511 >>7521 >>7550 >>7626 >>7979

“We Believe Christine Ford!” Far-Left Protesters Swarm Grassley’s Office (VIDEO)


Low energy protesters swarmed the 7th floor of the Hart Senate building Thursday afternoon chanting “We believe Christine Ford!”


Dozens of police are headed this way, reported Henry Rodgers of the Daily Caller.


The far-left protesters also set up a potluck inside of Grassley’s office! Earlier Thursday a bunch of portly protesters showed up to Senator Grassley’s office–what lured them in? Food! (and most likely a bundle of cash from Soros)


Notice one of the protesters offering a vegan lunch to his fellow (paid) activists…


So what exactly do these protesters believe?


Here are the facts about Christine Blasey Ford’s allegations:


— She doesn’t know when it was.

— She doesn’t know what year it took place

— She doesn’t know what month it took place

— She has no idea where it took place

— She doesn’t know if 4 boys were there

— It could have been 2 boys?

— Both accused boys deny the charges

— She doesn’t think any females were there

— Wait, maybe there was a female there?


Judge Kavanaugh already stated this week that he wasn’t even at the party in question.


Witness Mark Judge defended Brett Kavanaugh in a letter this week and said that he does not want to speak publicly on the incident.


Mark Judge said in a letter sent by his legal counsel to Grassley, “I have no memory of this alleged incident..Kavanaugh and I were friends in high school but I do not recall the party described in..Ford’s letter. More to the point, I never saw Brett act in the manner..Ford describes”

Anonymous ID: 2bfd0d Sept. 20, 2018, 11:28 a.m. No.3107604   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7634 >>7637

'Dog the Bounty Hunter' star says he's joining manhunt for man who allegedly threatened Trump


“Dog the Bounty Hunter” is joining the manhunt for a man who allegedly said he wanted to “put a bullet” in President Trump’s head.


“Dog the Bounty Hunter,” whose name is Duane Chapman, told the Mansfield News Journal he was joining the search for Shawn Richard Christy, 26, a Pennsylvania man who allegedly threatened the commander-in-chief. Christy has been on the run since June 19 after allegedly threatening John M. Morganelli, the district attorney of Northampton County, Pa., and Trump in a Facebook post that has since been deleted.


“Keep it up Morganelli, I promise I’ll put a bullet in your head as soon as I put one in the head of President Donald J. Trump,” Christy allegedly wrote.


Chapman told the media outlet from his home in Hawaii that he had a “very hot lead” on Christy's location. "I have delivered messages to him," he continued. "My goal is not to shoot him but get him to surrender."


The reality television star told the media outlet he was slated to arrive in Mansfield, Ohio, on Sept. 27. He was originally planning on visiting the area to host a town hall meeting on "Addiction and How to Find Your Road to Redemption.”


Chapman said he hoped he can help with the search and “bring him in peacefully.”


Following the Facebook post, a federal warrant was issued for Christy’s arrest. He is also wanted in Pennsylvania on arrest warrants for burglary, probation violation, and failure to appear for an aggravated assault case.


The search, which now involves the U.S. Marshals Service, the FBI, and the Secret Service, has spanned several states and has reached as far north as Canada. He was likewise being sought in Ohio, where he was believed to have abandoned a stolen truck.


Authorities have offered a $20,000 reward for information leading to the capture of Christy but have warned that he should be considered armed and dangerous.

Anonymous ID: 2bfd0d Sept. 20, 2018, 11:30 a.m. No.3107650   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7715 >>7979

Iran Vows To Boost Missile Capabilities, Claims Its ‘S-300 Version’ Is Better Than Russian


Iran made several interesting military claims in September 2018, as reported by PressTV.


The most significant is probably the claim that the US would lose any war it starts with Iran. On September 14th, Brigadier General Hossein Salami, the IRGC’s second-in-command, said in a speech that Washington knows “it will be on the losing side if it ever starts a war with Iran and [this will] help further increase Iran’s influence.”


“The US military is incapable of engaging us in a battle and the American economy wouldn’t be able to support the war either,” he added.


He also said that the recent IRGC missile attack against Iraq-based militants was a clear warning to Iran’s adversaries. It showed that even the slightest violations to the Islamic Republic’s sovereignty would be decisive.


Salami also claimed that that all US plans to isolate Iran had backfired and many countries were now following Iran’s model of resistance against the US, Israel and other “bullying powers.”


“The Iranian nation defeated the US when it blocked America’s ‘New Middle East’ project,” Salami said. The Iranian nation, he added, also caused US plan to retake control over the Islamic world to fail, as cited by PressTV.


The US, according to the Brigadier General also suffered major defeats in Palestine, Syria and the rest of the Middle East.


On September 9th, Former defense minister Brigadier General Ahmad Vahidi says Iran’s own version of the S-300 missile system is more precise than the Russian type.


According to Vahidi, after the Russians initially refused to deliver the S-300, Iran started to build its own prototype based on the long-range Russian air defense system.


“We told them that we will build the system ourselves indigenously, and ultimately, by God’s grace and through the diligence of the Iranian youth and elite, we built a better version in less than six years,” said Vahidi, who is currently the president of the Supreme National Defense University.


“Today, the Islamic Republic has the main say in the West Asia region, and Iran’s discourse dominates,” Vahidi said.


The rhetoric, however, is not one of “force and hegemony,” he added. “We are not trying to subject Iraq and Syria to hegemony, and do not seek to add even a palm’s length of soil to the country’s territory.”


“Our discourse features extrication of humanity,” the commander said, adding that thanks to the efforts of the country’s researchers and elite “no door would remain closed to the country.”


Prior to that, on September 1st, Iran’s Deputy Defense Minister for International Affairs Second Brigadier General Mohammad Ahadi, during a meeting with foreign military attachés residing in Tehran, said that Iran plans to boost the capabilities of its ballistic and cruise missiles.


“Increasing the capabilities of various types of ballistic and cruise missiles, the acquisition of a new generation of fighter jets as well as … vessels and submarines with various weapons capabilities are among the new plans of the ministry,” Ahadi said.

Anonymous ID: 2bfd0d Sept. 20, 2018, 11:33 a.m. No.3107718   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Syria, the United Nations, and the “Slobodan Milosevic Treatment”


It’s long been obvious the United Nations is a rubber stamp lapdog of the United States. It set the stage for a decade of sanctions that killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and piled sanctions of Libya that resulted in the US and NATO (another lapdog) taking military action that killed around 30,000 Libyans.


Now that supposedly august body has signaled it will investigate war crimes in Syria.


The Associated Press reports the “resolution adopted by the assembly said the body, known as the ‘International, Impartial and Independent Mechanism,’ would help collect and analyze evidence of violations of human rights and international humanitarian law ‘to facilitate and expedite fair and independent criminal proceedings.’”


There is nothing fair and independent about it. If it were truly fair, the top human rights violator, the United States government and its Pentagon, would be at the top of the UN’s to-do list.


The US is responsible for the “civil war” in Syria. It has agitated for “regime change” since at least 2005 under the guise of “democracy promotion,” well before the CIA sent operatives—many were “rebels” that participated in the US-NATO Libyan massacre—into the city of Deraa to stir up trouble.


“The staged uprising in Deraa had some locals in the street who were unaware of their participation in a CIA-Hollywood production,” writes Steven Sahiounie. “They were the unpaid extras in the scene about to be shot. These unaware extras had grievances, perhaps lasting a generation or more, and perhaps rooted in Wahhabism, which is a political ideology exported globally by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Royal family and their paid officials.”


The Libya rebels who killed Gaddafi were at the Omari Mosque in Deraa stockpiling weapons.


“The participation of local Muslim Brotherhood followers, who would assist the foreign Libyan mercenaries/terrorists, was an essential part of the CIA plan, which was well scripted and directed from Jordan,” Sahiounie explains.


“The CIA agents running the Deraa operation from their office in Jordan had already provided the weapons and cash needed to fuel the flames of revolution in Syria. With enough money and weapons, you can start a revolution anywhere in the world.”


It was this manufactured “revolution” that resulted in a brutal war and the death of more than half a million people, all of them—according to the corporate propaganda media—slaughtered by al-Assad and his Syrian Arab Army.


You can bet this wasn’t a topic of discussion at the United Nations. The attempt to indict and prosecute al-Assad and other Syrian officials for war crimes is undoubtedly a directive handed down by the United States and its bulldog ambassador, Nikki Haley.


This politically motivated “investigation” by the Geneva-based UN Human Rights Council—which, incidentally, the US removed itself from—will base its prearranged conclusion on a fairy tale: the unproven and White Helmet staged fake chemical attacks in Syria.


Because al-Assad will not leave office willingly (having been elected by the Syrian people), the only option appears to be the Slobodan Milošević treatment. This Serbian, the former president of the late Yugoslavia—which was chopped into bantustans by NATO and the United States following a sustained bombing campaign by Bill Clinton—was arrested and sent to The Hague to face prosecution for war crimes. He subsequently died while in confinement.


I’m not saying Milošević was a nice guy. It is said he killed his political opponents. However, his alleged crimes, when compared to the behavior of US client states and partners—Israel and Saudi Arabia come to mind—are paltry by way of comparison.


It should be noted that after Milošević died, the International Court of Justice concluded separately in the Bosnian Genocide Case that there was no evidence linking him to the [alleged] genocide committed by Bosnian Serb forces during the Bosnian War.

Anonymous ID: 2bfd0d Sept. 20, 2018, 11:34 a.m. No.3107753   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8085

U.S. Air Force Testing Reaper Drones for Air-to-Air Combat


An MQ-9 Reaper drone has bagged its first air-to-air kill of another small, aerial vehicle in a controlled simulation, an official revealed to this week.


The successful test late last year showed the U.S. Air Force that an unmanned vehicle like the MQ-9 has the ability to conduct air-to-air combat, much like its manned fighter brethren such as an F-15 Eagle or F-22 Raptor, according to Col. Julian Cheater, commander of the 432nd Wing at Creech Air Force Base, Nevada.


“Something that’s unclassified but not well known, we recently in November … launched an air-to-air missile against a maneuvering target that scored a direct hit,” Cheater said. sat down with Cheater here at the Air Force Association Air, Space and Cyber conference outside Washington, D.C.


“It was an MQ-9 versus a drone with a heat-seeking air-to-air missile, and it was direct hit … during a test,” he said of the first-of-its-kind kill.


“We develop those tactics, techniques and procedures to make us survivable in those types of environments and, if we do this correctly, we can survive against some serious threats against normal air players out there,” Cheater said Monday. “We will go participate in ‘Red Flag’ exercises, and we will drop weapons in testing environments to make sure that we can fight against those type of adversaries.”

Anonymous ID: 2bfd0d Sept. 20, 2018, 11:38 a.m. No.3107821   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Bella Dodd – How Communists Subverted the Catholic Church


(left. In 1952, Bella Dodd, a former member of the CPUSA executive

testified to a Senate Committee

about Communist subversion



Illuminati = Cabalist Judaism = Freemasonry = Communism = Satanism


Below, Randy Engel explains that Communists infiltrated

and brought the church into disrepute.


Protocols of the Elders of Zion-17:

"When the time comes finally to destroy the papal court…we shall come forward in the guise of its defenders…[Jesuits?] By this diversion we shall penetrate to its very bowels and be sure we shall never come out again until we have gnawed through the entire strength of this place."




Bela Dodd describes Communism as "a strange secret cult" whose goal is the destruction of Western (i.e. Christian) Civilization. Millions of naive idealists ("innocents") are tricked by its talk of helping the poor, but it cares only for power. For example, Dodd found there was no social research at party headquarters. "We are a revolutionary party, not a reform party," she was told. (163) The goal is to destroy not to improve.

Anonymous ID: 2bfd0d Sept. 20, 2018, 11:40 a.m. No.3107875   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Dr. Brandon Porter goes dark – makes his Instagram private following Frank Report reveal of Nicki Clyne


Shadow State 1958 writes to inform me:

This morning, I could access Doctor Brandon Porter’s Instagram account and see who was following him and who he followed.

This evening, Doctor Brandon Porter’s account is private.

Brandon Porter (@brandporter) • Instagram photos and videos


As for the one post, it was merely a picture of a tree surrounded by snow.


So the good Human Fright Doctor has gone dark within hours of our posting that his friend, Nicki Clyne, is using an alter ego or mirror Instagram account under the name of Clicky Nine.

Funny, when they were out destroying enemies and Clyne was helping to brand women and Porter was showing women snuff films – they were all on top of the world.

Funny how things change.

Anonymous ID: 2bfd0d Sept. 20, 2018, 11:46 a.m. No.3107954   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Border Patrol Agents Find Nearly 200 Illegal Aliens in Arizona Desert


The Border Patrol found nearly 200 illegal aliens on Sunday, Sept. 16, traveling in two large groups.


The patrol said in a statement on Sept. 19 that agents found one group of 102 people in the Arizona desert, several miles west of the patrol’s Lukeville port of entry.


About an hour later, agents found another large group, consisting of another 91 who had entered the country illegally.


Both groups included children, some as young as 1 year old. Most of the captured immigrants were traveling as families but agents determined 11 children were unaccompanied.


The groups were transported to the Ajo Border Patrol Station and, after determining that no medical care was necessary, agents processed them for immigration violations.


They came from Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador, the patrol said.


Other Recent Groups Found


A number of groups of illegal aliens have been discovered by agents recently, including a group of 170 people who “sought the first Border Patrol agents they could find to turn themselves in,” according to the patrol.


That group was found early in the morning of Sept. 18 in Granjeno, Texas.


“The group required additional agents to respond and assist, leaving other areas of the river area vulnerable,” the patrol said in a statement.


“As agents prepared the group for transport, the criminal organizations took advantage of the limited resources and simultaneously attempted to smuggle multiple other groups whom actively attempted to evade apprehension,” the statement continued.