Anonymous ID: 110302 Sept. 20, 2018, 1:14 p.m. No.3109447   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9614

Jesus came to the world to Free all creation from our slavery to sin to Unite us to Himself in Purity Innocence Holiness and Righteousness, so Freely Provided through God's Justified Merciful Granting of our Pardon by Forgiveness of our sins, Given in Love by God’s Gracious Promised Response to our Faith in His Divine plan to Save us all from death by Judging Jesus in our place, all Revealed through God's Word Faithfully Fleshed out in Jesus' human body Resurrected back into Eternal Life in True Holiness Righteousness and Love showcasing God's Eternal Faithfulness to Love us all as if we were always intended to be God's own Beloved Children. All of God’s wonderful Love is Graciously Given Freely to all who fully Identify with Jesus' Death to Sin, Given to all who by Faith Identify themselves with God’s Intention to Unite us within Jesus Death to sin while Jesus Truly Died on the cross in our place bearing our judgment of guilt, our condemnation, and our shame for all of our sins. So that we who are by God’s own Willful Plan and God’s Doing all the required work are now United IN Jesus, now already Dead to sin. And we too are Eternally Alive unto God in Innocent Holy Righteousness Right standing in God's Eyes, Resurrected IN Christ, Raised up also right now within Jesus, to now be Fully restored into Family Fellowship with God the Father, Born Again as True Children of the Only Holy Righteous God Almighty.

Isa 45:24 "Surely, shall one say, in the LORD have I righteousness and strength: even to him shall men come; and all that are incensed against him shall be ashamed."

So Believe in God's Gift of Jesus, Surrender to Unity within Jesus. Now in Faith just BE DEAD TO SIN United to Jesus in His Death, Burial, and Resurrection unto Holy Righteous Life as God's Own Beloved Child.

Surely YOU may then say, "in the LORD have I righteousness and strength for even unto Jesus have I come to receive Freedom from sin, through God's Justified Merciful Granting of MY Pardon and Forgiving all MY sins.

Thank you Holy Father God Almighty for Loving me so much to send Jesus to Save me from my lost and desperate condition of slavery to sin. I receive Your Grace to now Walk FREE from sin, United to Jesus in Innocence, Holiness, Righteousness, all IN JESUS’ Living Strength given to me so Freely.