Anonymous ID: 1f8f71 Sept. 20, 2018, 1:11 p.m. No.3109395   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hi Q and rest of MIL team. Predicted this early on.


About the Trudeau clue…. Building a safe house?

How do you build a house?


You start with FOUNDATION, as per your previous post. Future proves past.


Am I right? It's all about the Trudeau Foundation. Copied from Hillary Foundation, includes all of the same dirty laundering tricks, and crimes. U1, Haiti, children, middle east, israel, etc.

Anonymous ID: 1f8f71 Sept. 20, 2018, 1:19 p.m. No.3109512   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Problem is, all of this is unprecedented, so there's no playbook to follow.


Trump can, but won't throw him out - Trump is playing by the book, forcing congress to take action. The problem is congress is 100% toothless, we know it, and Trump knows it.


But Trump is in the impossible position. He'll never get good press, or any press at all on anything positive for him. He can't be firing random people, or there will be hell to pay in the MSM - making him look the way they say he is.


Trump has to wait for shitty old congress to do anything - but they have never had to do anything before. He's exposing them.


Unfortunately, as the public - I think the administration THINKS we will eventually detect congress being full of shit, and help.


The problem is - I think it's being underestimated, by even the Trump team.


The public will NEVER EVER EVER be on his side. It's too late, and they are being too nice. Yes, Trump is being too nice. I believe that over 50% of the population is TOO FAR GONE. They will never, ever, ever be capable of seeing Trump positively.

Anonymous ID: 1f8f71 Sept. 20, 2018, 1:31 p.m. No.3109668   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Our job isn't to sit here and Dox q, the BO, and CM. This site is extremely high traffic, and is expensive to run. Chans have always been limited hangouts for intelligence operatives, and that's a fact. War is being waged online every day. The fact that Trump and Abe made a pact early on, and to have this site hosted in Japan is not a coincidence. Japan is fully protected this site with dedicated hosting, furthest away from Trans Pacific communications cables in the western USA which control over 60% of the world's internet trafficed, fully monitored at the AT&T communications closet in San Francisco, which has been owned by the NSA, and later owned by the CIA (both have access now).


This site is being hosted in the safest place in the world for replication (in case US DNS is brought offline). And yes, this site is likely being funded by NSA team (Q) to stay alive.