Anonymous ID: 44b41f Sept. 20, 2018, 1:07 p.m. No.3109334   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Disclaimer - this is a flat earth observation so before you call me a shill, fuck off, I don't care so shit up the bread all you like!


Right, I've been doing some research for a work project. A lot of my success comes from long range forecasting and I've been particularly interested in the sunspot count for this summer and how it related to the prolonged dry period in the UK. Whilst perusing the charts, I noticed this sauce:


I've never bought into the flat earth, I do find some of the arguments interesting but I have far better things to occupy my mind. I do however want to know why the sunspot count would be different hemispherically if the sun is 93m miles away and the earth is spinning, I can't get my head around this, help anons (or Q), it's doing my head in!