Anonymous ID: 975b0e Sept. 20, 2018, 12:41 p.m. No.3108894   🗄️.is 🔗kun





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Anonymous ID: 975b0e Sept. 20, 2018, 12:42 p.m. No.3108904   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8916 >>8922 >>8923 >>8954 >>8961 >>8963 >>8971 >>8983 >>9011 >>9175 >>9278 >>9408 >>9565

BREAKING: Christine Blasey Ford’s Lawyers Say She is Open to Testifying – BUT NOT MONDAY


Accuser Christine Ford’s attorneys said in an email to the Senate Judiciary Committee Thursday that Ford is open to testifying next week–but not on Monday.


Once again, Christine Ford thinks she runs the Senate.


On Wednesday, Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley wrote, citing Committee rules, that Christine Ford has until Friday morning at 10 AM to hand over her biography and prepared testimony if she wished to testify Monday.


Now Ford’s lawyers are demanding more time…


“As you are aware, she has been receiving death threats, which have been reported to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and she and her family have been forced out of their home. She wishes to testify, provided that we can agree on terms that are fair and which ensure her safety,” Ford’s attorney’s wrote in an email first reported by The New York Times.


FOX News Congress reporter Chad Pergram with more on the email Ford’s attorneys sent the Committee:


Christine Blasey Ford is trying to run the Senate with her outrageous demands.

Tuesday night Ford’s lawyers demanded the FBI conduct an investigation into the decades-old sexual assault allegations against Kavanaugh prior to the Senate holding a hearing.


Christine Ford’s lawyer, Lisa Banks said in a statement Wednesday evening that the Committee’s stated plan to move forward with the hearing that has only two witnesses is not a fair or good faith investigation.


“There are multiple witnesses whose names have appeared publicly and should be included in any proceeding,” Ford’s attorney argued.


The Republicans need to put an end to this charade, hold the vote and confirm Judge Kavanaugh.


This is a breaking story…please refresh page for updates.

Anonymous ID: 975b0e Sept. 20, 2018, 12:44 p.m. No.3108938   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8959 >>8987 >>9027 >>9363 >>9557 >>9565 >>9678 >>9711

Fmr Scalia Clerk Expects "Compelling Evidence" To Exonerate Kavanaugh Next Week; Feinstein "Will Soon Be Apologizing"


Judge Brett Kavanaugh will be exonerated of wrongdoing and will be confirmed to his post on the US Supreme Court, according to Ed Whelan - a former clerk to USSC Justice Antonin Scalia and current president of the Ethics and Public Policy Center (EPPC), a conservative think tank.


Amid a series of cryptic and not-so-cryptic tweets in the last 48 hours, Whelan says: "By one week from today, I expect that Judge Kavanaugh will have been clearly vindicated on this matter. Specifically, I expect that compelling evidence will show his categorical denial to be truthful. There will be no cloud over him."

Anonymous ID: 975b0e Sept. 20, 2018, 12:48 p.m. No.3108994   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9047 >>9173 >>9557

Louisiana Attorney General Encourages Jeff Sessions to Break Up Google, Facebook


Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry will reportedly encourage Attorney General Jeff Sessions to break up Big Tech companies like Google and Facebook during a meeting next week.


“My opinion is you are not going to fix this legislatively,” declared Landry during a radio interview with News Radio 710 KEEL, in Shreveport. “You are going to have fix this like we always fix monopolies in this country. You are going to have to take an antitrust suit.”


“I think it’s an antitrust issue,” he continued. “I think the companies are too big and they need to be broken up.” reported that Landry “or another high official from his office will next week present the break-up proposal to Sessions.”


Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) agrees with Landry. According to the Advocate, Kennedy said, “I agree that the Department of Justice should look at this issue. I’m a free market, private sector guy, but Facebook and Google aren’t companies. They’re countries.” During Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s hearing before the Senate, Sen. Kennedy told him, “your user agreement sucks.”


Sessions will be briefed by state attorney generals on Tuesday, who will “help Sessions decide if there’s a federal case to be made against companies such as Alphabet Inc.’s Google, Facebook Inc. and Twitter Inc. for violating consumer-protection or antitrust laws,” according to Bloomberg.


Both President Trump and his 2020 campaign manager Brad Parscale have repeatedly called out Big Tech companies and threatened them with investigation and regulation.


“I think that Google and Twitter and Facebook, they are really treading on very, very troubled territory and they have to be careful,” President Trump declared in August. “It is not fair to large portions of the population.”


The President also claimed the companies were “silencing millions of people,” and suggested they could be in a “very anti-trust situation.”


Parscale likened Big Tech companies to Big Brother from George Orwell’s dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, and described them as a “direct threat to a free society,” adding that, “arguably the worst offender is Google.”

Anonymous ID: 975b0e Sept. 20, 2018, 12:48 p.m. No.3109006   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9030 >>9032 >>9034 >>9044 >>9050 >>9077 >>9090 >>9092 >>9131 >>9162 >>9188 >>9190 >>9198 >>9223 >>9237 >>9263 >>9284 >>9318 >>9368 >>9557 >>9591 >>9606

Michael Moore Says He'll Flee To Canada To Escape President Trump's 'Persecution'



Filmmaker Michael Moore says he'll flee to Canada as a political refugee if President Donald Trump decides to persecute him for his upcoming film, "Fahrenheit 11/9," which takes aim at Trump's election.


Speaking to media at the Toronto Film Festival, Moore, who has had a string of flops including a one-man Broadway show that shuttered its doors earlier this year, played up Trump's interest in his new documentary and suggested he could soon find himself under political persecution.


"(Trump) absolutely hates democracy, and he believes in the autocrat, in the authoritarian," Moore said.


Of course, despite Hollywood's near constant stream of anti-Trump vitriol, not a single actor, actress, director, or producer has found themselves behind bars, charged with angering the Trump regime. Even the ever-oppressed media has yet to withstand much more than the occasional Twitter insult from the president, despite warning, for nearly three full years, that Trump's agenda is just a hair's breadth away from fascism.


Moore is sure "Fahrenheit 11/9," though, will be the breaking point.


"I want us to survive this, but I can't make any guarantees that that's what's going to happen. We're in a bad place. We're on the precipice of some very awful stuff," he added.


Moore's movie, which premieres Thursday night, is supposed to "rip the mask off" Trump's true agenda, even comparing Trump's election, at one point, to the rise of Adolf Hitler in the 1930s.


"This is a movie that takes (Trump's) mask off, and exposes what he's really up to, and what's really going on here, and you may not see it, because you often don't see it until it's too late," said Moore. "I'm hoping we're in that … moment before the moment it's too late, and you can't get back what you had."


If he flees to Canada, though, Moore will have to get in line. The Canadian government is already straining under an influx of asylum-seekers, and although Canada allows potential refugees to remain in the country while they petition to become citizens, Canada's citizenship requirements are more stringent than the U.S.'s.


Moore would have to prove that he would be a valuable and productive Canadian — and it might not be easy for Michael Moore to prove that to any government.

Anonymous ID: 975b0e Sept. 20, 2018, 12:50 p.m. No.3109031   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9052 >>9061

Woman Who Accused Judge Kavanaugh of Sexual Assault Just Hired Ex-White House Operative of Accused Rapist Bill Clinton


You simply can’t make this stuff up.


Christine Blasey Ford, the woman who has accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her when they were both teenagers, is being advised by Democratic operative Ricki Seidman.


Seidman, a senior principal at TSD Communications, worked as Joe Biden’s communications director during the 2008 general election campaign, after he was named Barack Obama’s running mate. In 2009, according to her online biography, she helped the White House manage the confirmation of Obama’s Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor.


Before that, she worked in the Clinton White House as deputy communications director.


“I believe her and I think she’s very courageous for coming this far,” Seidman said in a brief interview, confirming her role advising Ford.

Anonymous ID: 975b0e Sept. 20, 2018, 12:52 p.m. No.3109072   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9268

Rep. Jim Jordan: Big Tech Companies Need to be Reclassified as Publishers, or Broken Up


Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) joined SiriusXM Patriot’s Breitbart News Daily, Thursday, to discuss what needs to be done about the bias of Big Tech companies.


After being asked by Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow about the leaked 2016 Google “TGIF” all-hands meeting, which was released by Breitbart News and showed Google executives and employees reacted somberly to the election of President Trump, Rep. Jordan declared, “It underscores and highlights what we all sort of expected. These are no longer, as they claim, neutral social media platforms, but in fact they have a bias, and a bias that they’re actively trying to exploit for political gain.”


“That’s what it looks like to me, and I’m someone who personally experienced it, because it wasn’t conservatives who said this, it was a media outlet — not a conservative media outlet — who said four members of Congress were being shadowbanned by Twitter,” he continued. “The four members were Gaetz, Nunes, Meadows, and Jordan… Just so happened to be four conservative members who were also involved with the FBI DOJ investigation, so when you think about 435 members of the House, also 100 members of the Senate, only four get shadowbanned, and Twitter’s response was ‘a glitch in our algorithm.’ To which I responded and said, ‘Well a glitch in your algorithm, what did you put in the algorithm? The names Gaetz, Meadows, Nunes, and Jordan?’ Come on.”


“This is what we now see, so first thing is hearings to highlight what in fact is going on. That has begun,” expressed Jordan. “Second is, if this is where it’s gonna be, then they are no longer social media platforms, they are in fact a newspaper, and there are different laws applied to a newspaper, and we may have to look at frankly taking away this monopoly position that they now have and say, ‘Look we’re going to have to break you up like it’s been done in American history before.'”


In response to Marlow asking what else needs to be done to hold Big Tech accountable, Jordan responded, “I think we still need to highlight this, accent this more, there needs to be a lot more hearings on this issue on Capitol Hill. I think that has to happen, and then, I think we need to start looking at which way we’re gonna go.”


“Are we gonna say, ‘Okay, you’re now a newspaper. You are subjected to a different set of laws,’ and everyone understands that from the get-go? Or like we say, you may have to break them up,” Jordan concluded. “But, in spite of this, conservatives still win. That shows you the character of the American people, that they see through this, that they made Donald Trump president of the United States, that they put Republicans in control, so the other thing we frankly need to do that will help with the whole situation is when we’re in office, do what we said. You mentioned earlier, we haven’t got the border security wall. Let’s get that done. There are other things we promised American people. The president’s keeping his word, Congress needs to do a better job at that, but I think all that has to play out.”

Anonymous ID: 975b0e Sept. 20, 2018, 12:56 p.m. No.3109152   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9187 >>9228

Michigan mom charged with larceny for taking away daughter’s phone as punishment


Jodie May of Grandville, Michigan, was forced to appear before a district judge earlier this week on a larceny charge for taking away her daughter’s cellphone as punishment.


May took the iPhone 6 from her 15-year-old daughter in April after the teenager got in trouble at school, according to reports.


“I was just being a mom, a concerned parent and disciplining my daughter,” May told WOOD-TV.

How did this happen?


What began as discipline became a criminal matter after May’s ex-husband reported it to Ottawa County Sheriff’s Office and claimed she committed a crime.


After the mom’s arrest in May, she was immediately released on $200 bond. May was facing a misdemeanor larceny charge, which carries a punishment of up to 93 days in jail, the TV station reported.


Shortly before the bench trial began on Tuesday before Ottawa County District Judge Judy Mulder, prosecutors added another charge to the case: larceny by conversion. That charge was also punishable by up to 93 days, according to the report.


But before the first witness was called, yet another twist was added.


“I’ve had an opportunity to discuss this case with the victim in this case, or at least the person we believed owned the property,” Ottawa County assistant prosecutor Sarah Matwiejczyk told the judge.


The prosecutor said she determined the phone is in fact owned by the daughter, not the ex-husband.


“The mother defendant being the mother of the minor child, I believe that changes the case significantly,” Matwiejczyk reportedly said. “Therefore, we’re requesting that the charges be dismissed.”

How did the mom react?


May called the entire situation “ridiculous.”


“I think it’s ridiculous,” May told the TV station. “I can’t believe I had to be put through it, my daughter had to be put through it, my family. I’m very surprised, but I’m very happy with the outcome.”


May’s court-appointed attorney, Jennifer Kuiper-Weise, said she was ready for a court battle.


“We knew this was parental discipline,” said Kuiper-Weise, a former assistant prosecutor in Ottawa County. “We knew that it would come across that way.”


She also questioned why the charges were ever filed.


“The case was authorized on a probable-cause basis, and unfortunately at times there are misdemeanor cases that are not thoroughly vetted, and unfortunately Miss May was a victim of that,” Kuiper-Weise told WOOD.

Anonymous ID: 975b0e Sept. 20, 2018, 12:59 p.m. No.3109202   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9233 >>9250

Dozens of Detroit schools test positive for high levels of lead & copper in drinking water


More than half of Detroit public schools have tested positive for high levels of lead and copper after their drinking water was inspected over safety concerns.


Elevated levels of lead and copper were detected in the water of 57 schools, according to the Detroit Public Schools Community District (DPSCD). The body is still awaiting results for 27 more schools.


Michigan’s largest school district initiated the widespread tests after a previous examination last year uncovered high elevations of lead and/or copper in 16 of 24 schools. Drinking water was turned off in the affected schools and water coolers and bottled water was supplied.


“This (testing) was not required by federal, state, or city law,” the DPSCD said. “This testing, unlike the previous testing in 2016, evaluated all water sources from sinks to drinking fountains.”


District officials have decided that no students at Detroit’s 106 public schools should be subjected to drinking mains water until a solution can be found and the water is declared safe. The district is spending $200,000 on bottled water and water coolers for the next several months, Detroit Superintendent Nikolai Vitti said.


No explanation for the high levels of the properties has been given as yet but the city’s water department stated that the issues are not affecting the rest of the city and pointed the finger of blame at the schools’ aging plumbing systems. Lead and copper can enter drinking water when plumbing pipes corrode. Young children are particularly vulnerable to to the toxic effects of lead which can affect the development of the brain and nervous system. Copper consumption can also cause adverse health effects and has been associated with liver damage and kidney disease.

Anonymous ID: 975b0e Sept. 20, 2018, 1:03 p.m. No.3109272   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9332 >>9392

Over 200 feared dead after ferry sinks in Tanzania's Lake Victoria - govt


A total of 42 people have been confirmed dead after a ferry sank in Tanzania's Lake Victoria, a government official has announced, adding that more than 200 people are actually believed to have drowned.


Emergency teams were dispatched to the scene but have halted rescue operations until dawn on Friday, Ukerewe District Commissioner Colonel Lucas Magembe told Reuters.


A local official cited by the BBC said the vessel was overloaded with more than 400 people, with other reports stating that some 300 passengers were on board.


The exact number of people on board is difficult to determine, with Reuters reporting that the person dispensing tickets was among those who drowned, and that recording data has also been lost.


The MV Nyerere ferry overturned near the shore between the islands of Ukora and Bugolora.


"We pray to God to give us hope in such an accident," Regional Commissioner Adam Malima told reporters."We pray to God to give us hope that there has not been a high death toll."


Theresia Mwami, a spokesperson for the national ferry services operator TEMESA, said that maintenance had been carried out on the ferry in recent months, with two engines overhauled.


The country has been faced with similar tragedies in the past, with at least 145 people dying in a ferry disaster in the semi-autonomous archipelago of Zanzibar in the Indian Ocean in 2012. That boat was also overcrowded.


In 1996, a ferry tragedy in the same area of Lake Victoria killed at least 500 people.


Lake Victoria is Africa's largest lake by area, and the world's second largest fresh water lake by surface area, after Lake Superior in North America. It is a popular attraction for tourists, with many local companies offering boat trips to spot wildlife, ranging from hippos to exotic birds.

Anonymous ID: 975b0e Sept. 20, 2018, 1:09 p.m. No.3109376   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9391 >>9439

Brookings Institution a Leading Propagandist for U.S. Invasions

Anonymous ID: 975b0e Sept. 20, 2018, 1:16 p.m. No.3109473   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9515

Societal Madness in 2018 is like none other in world history and it’s only going to get worse.


It’s as though everyone on the planet is craving their 15 minutes of fame while they can still grab it. Perhaps everyone knows deep down inside that the world as we know it cannot continue on the current trajectory—a rapidly descending downward spiral.


Clearly the status quo cannot be maintained in any degenerating sphere of life. Or maybe people even know that something very BIG is about to happen in the stock market, or the Middle East, or even in the solar system. Almost everyone seems to be clued into the swiftly closing window between now and Election Day.


In view of all the meteoric changes and unexpected events taking place on planet Earth in 2018, many are still oblivious to the greatest challenges facing humanity today.

Perpetual war economy


The ever-present distraction of war is largely to blame for this debilitating societal phenomenon. So many citizenries have been conned into spending their hard-earned money on “guns instead of butter”. Then they permit their governments to wage unprovoked wars of naked aggression in their name and with their tax dollars.


The Military-Industrial Complex that maintains the perpetual war economy is now hitting a wall since war as a means of conflict resolution is fast approaching a final crescendo…as in the curtain may soon come down for good.


Nevertheless, that won’t stop the warmongers from attempting to trigger just one more World War. Not only does Deep State want war with Russia and her allies, many other BIG players want war as well. The following essay clearly delineates those other traditional stakeholders in the perpetual war economy, and especially in World Wars.


Cont. fro images:

One major change is for sure about the immediate future and that is the following: Locus Of Global Power Shifts From The West To The East. No matter how hard the United States tries to prevent it, the reign of the once Almighty Dollar is over. Hence, the dominance of the Anglo-American Axis (AAA) is also history. And the extent to which each nation has aligned with the AAA will foreshadow its future place after the collapse of the petrodollar-based Global Economic & Financial System.



Since the end of World War II, it has been prophesied by prophets and predicted by psychics that “THE END IS NEAR”. With each passing decade, that statement rang truer by the year. With the 2016 election cycle, everyone knew we had entered uncharted territory. And so we have!


What very few realize is that the most consequential events are actually taking place below the radar. While the global geopolitical chessboard is experiencing major moves and maneuvers out in the open, there are numerous clandestine events of considerable import occurring behind the scenes. When the dust finally settles, the whole world will seem to be in a very different place.


Now that we have arrived in September of 2018, it really does appear that: THE END IS NEAR

Trigger Point: The 2018 midterm elections promise to be the most contested and chaotic in U.S. history. Because of what’s at stake for both political parties, each understands the party may soon be over for either party after November 6. In light of this eventuality, it’s quite certain that Something Wicked This Way Comes…Between Now And Election Day.


The chaotic Kavanaugh hearings and especially the Blaseygate scandal are just a sample of what’s about to unfold. There is much more about to explode both on the national scene and in the international arena that will cause the first dominoes to fall. Once that happens, anything goes from the USA to China, from Russia to the Ukraine, from Iran to Israel, and from the UK to the European Union.