Anonymous ID: 1ead8f Sept. 20, 2018, 1:36 p.m. No.3109725   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9735 >>9772





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Understand this is NOT a chat room, lurk for a few ~~weeks~~ MONTHS AT LEAST before posting and MAKE SURE YOU HAVE READ OUR WORK, watch how the board operates, learn our comms, use discernment to evaluate who is friend or foe and learn how shills operate!






P.S. Anyone who has an issue with boobs needs to go learn the history of qresearch and what the legends who work here have done for YOU! These are adult women.


We hunt pedophiles. Illegal content is posted by bad actors board mods remove and block but some ip hop, this is a constant battle as the powers that be do not want the TRUTH getting out.




Attacks on this post demonstrate the above line!

Anonymous ID: 1ead8f Sept. 20, 2018, 1:38 p.m. No.3109744   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9894 >>0360

Trump Shatters Another Stock Market Record – DOW Reaches 100th Record High Since Trump Elected President!


President Trump Breaks the Century Mark! Today the DOW reaches its 100th all time high since candidate Trump was elected President!


As soon as candidate Donald Trump was elected the DOW exploded. On November 8th, 2016, the DOW stood at 18,332. Since that date the DOW has soared and never looked back.


Not only has the DOW skyrocketed since Donald Trump was elected President, the market’s rise is record breaking. As of today and since the 2016 election, the DOW has closed at record all-time highs 100 times! With today’s market closing, the DOW reached another all-time high, President Trump broke the century mark!


Today the DOW closed at 26,656 for a new all-time high. The previous record was set in January 2018 at 26,616.


(President Obama never saw a new all-time high in the DOW his entire first term and only saw 105 all-time closing highs from his first election win until Trump’s.)


President Trump’s first year in office (2017) saw the most all-time stock market closing highs (71) as well as the largest increase in DOW history (4,956 points). Prior to 2017, no year in the DOW’s more than 100-year history ever saw the DOW increase by more than 3,500 points, let alone 4,900. The most all-time highs in a year prior to 2017 was 69 in 1995.


Since President Trump was elected President the DOW tied the record for the most all-time closing highs in a row. In January of 1987 President Reagan saw the DOW increase to new all-time highs a record 12 days in a row. In February of 2017, President Trump matched Reagan’s record.


The DOW reached its fastest 500 point increase between major milestones under President Trump. In January of this year the DOW surpassed 26,000 and six days later the DOW surpassed 26,500. Under President Trump the DOW has seen the fastest 1,000; 2,000; 3,000; 4,000; 5,000; 6,000 and 7,000 point increases in DOW history.

The markets are a gauge of the economy and include expectations of the future. The markets show President Trump’s policies are very positive for the American economy!

Anonymous ID: 1ead8f Sept. 20, 2018, 1:41 p.m. No.3109792   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9821 >>9850 >>9982 >>0159 >>0360 >>0517

Pope Francis says the devil is causing people to question the Catholic Church; has nothing to do with priests sexually molesting choir boys


Taking a very brief reprieve from his more typical lectures promoting limitless illegal immigration and global climate taxes, Roman Catholic head Pope Francis finally addressed the far more serious problem of homosexual Catholic priests molesting and raping underage boys – but not in the way you’re probably thinking.


During a recent “sermon,” Pope Francis decided to call out those who are seeking full disclosure and truth on the matter, labeling them tools of the “Great Accuser,” a.k.a. Satan. That’s right: Anyone who dares to question the rampant child abuse taking place within the Catholic hierarchy is working for the devil, according to Pope Francis.


It’s Lucifer himself who’s causing victims of sexual abuse at the hands of the Catholic religion, as well as their family members and other advocates, to seek justice for all of the little one’s whose innocence has been forever ruined by pedophiles in the Catholic clergy.


“In these times, it seems like the ‘Great Accuser’ has been unchained and is attacking bishops,” Pope Francis stated during the recent mass event.


“True, we are all sinners, we bishops. He (Satan) tries to uncover the sins, so they are visible in order to scandalize the people. The ‘Great Accuser,’ as he himself says to God in the first chapter of the Book of Job, ‘roams the earth looking for someone to accuse.'”

Pope Francis works for Satan, and his words represent blasphemy against the Holy Spirit – an unforgivable sin


These are shocking statements, especially considering that the Word of God also states in John 3:20 that everyone who does evil “hates the light” – meaning, they hate when the truth is exposed because it unveils the evil deeds that they did in darkness.

Anonymous ID: 1ead8f Sept. 20, 2018, 1:43 p.m. No.3109816   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9829

Exposure to synthetic vitamins during periods of rapid growth damages children’s hormones, impacting immunity, development


veryone wants the best for their children, but dosing them with synthetic vitamins early in life may be doing them more harm than good, a study in the journal Physiology International reported. In the paper, György Csaba of Semmelweis University in Hungary revealed that exposure to synthetic lipid-soluble vitamins could adversely affect multiple organ systems later in life.


Lipid-soluble vitamins – which includes vitamins A, D, E, and K – are those that dissolve in organic solvents. Other vitamins such as vitamin C and the B vitamins dissolve in water. These vitamins are also referred to as fat-soluble vitamins since these are stored in the body.


All vitamins help the body – if they are taken in small amounts. Fat-soluble vitamins, for instance, are not lost in the cooking process, allowing the body to absorb them for use. However, the body does not need to consume more than the recommended daily intake (RDI) which is already covered by consuming a balanced diet. The danger lies when people consume massive amounts of fat-soluble vitamins. In megadoses, these can be toxic and result in health problems. These may also interfere with vitamin absorption, leading to nutrient deficiency.


In the study, Csaba classified lipid-soluble vitamins as “exohormones,” compounds that can be bound and influence hormone receptors. In the paper, he explained further: “Vitamin D is a transition between endo- and exohormones and the possibility of [a] similar situation in case of other lipid-soluble hormones is discussed.”


This is especially risky in newborn children, as exposing them to synthetic fat-soluble vitamins can cause faulty perinatal hormonal imprinting, a condition similar to that found in synthetic endohormones. This can lead to lifelong complications marked by altered sexuality, changes in brain function and development, immunity, and bone development, as well as a higher risk of getting fractures. Hormonal imprinting, being the epigenetic process that it is, is not limited to one lifetime: The consequences of one-time exposure to fat-soluble vitamins are passed on from one generation to the next. The effect, however, varies from one vitamin to the next because hormones differ in the way they react to these vitamins. (Related: The deadly effects of synthetic vitamin K.)


Based on the results, Csaba calls for further studies to better understand the negative outcomes of faulty perinatal vitamin-caused hormonal imprinting.

Natural is still the best


Instead of loading up on synthetic and potentially harmful “vitamins,” why not get it the way it’s supposed to be taken? Here are some natural and healthy ways to get your daily dose, with no harmful side effects instead.


Vitamin A, which is vital for growth, as well as healthy skin and hair, can be found in eggs, dairy, and chicken, as well as in mackerel, trout, and herring. Orange, yellow, and green fruits and vegetables contain it as well.

Vitamin D is called the sunshine vitamin for a reason: When the skin is exposed to sunlight, it enables the body to produce the vitamin. That said, regions with limited sunlight are at risk of vitamin D deficiency and should consume oily fish, liver, cod liver oil, and dairy to get their fill.

Vitamin E, which supports cell maintenance, keeps the heart healthy, and improves blood circulation, is found in avocados, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, Brussels sprouts, blackberries, and mangoes. Olive oil – as well as mackerel, salmon, and nuts – contains vitamin E as well.

Vitamin K, which helps in blood clotting, is found in meat, leafy greens and wholegrain cereals.


Learn more about the dangers of synthetic vitamins by following today.

Anonymous ID: 1ead8f Sept. 20, 2018, 1:44 p.m. No.3109839   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Popular singer debuts first album in 5 years — and reveals how God inspired her and the album


Pop star Avril Lavigne said that her latest album — the first in five years — has a pretty moving background.

What are the details?


Lavigne, 33, told ET Online that a moment of desperate prayer inspired her new album.


“Head Above Water,” the album’s title, is taken from a prayer that she uttered aloud.


Lavigne, who was diagnosed with Lyme disease in 2014, said that she said the prayer at a particularly dire moment.


Lavigne, who was bedridden at the time, said that her mother crawled into her bed and laid with her.


“One night I thought I was dying, and I had accepted that I was going to die. My mom laid with me in bed and held me,” Lavigne recalled. “I felt like I was drowning. Under my breath, I prayed, ‘God, please help me to keep my head above the water.’


“In that moment,” she continued, “the songwriting of this album began. It was like I tapped into something. It was a very spiritual experience. Lyrics flooded through me from that point on.”


What else?


Incidentally, it was around December 2014 when Lavigne reportedly asked fans for prayers for her health in a Twitter exchange.


According to Billboard, Lavigne wrote, “I feel bad because I haven’t been able to say anything to the fans to let them no [sic] why I’ve been absent. I’m torn as I’m quite private. … I’m not feeling well. I’m having some health issues. So please keep me in your prayers.”


You can listen to the album’s namesake song, “Head Above Water,” in its entirety below.

Anonymous ID: 1ead8f Sept. 20, 2018, 1:50 p.m. No.3109901   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0229 >>0360

Cardinal hires judge to review church sex abuse policies


NEW YORK – Hoping to restore the faith of those disillusioned by how the church has handled sexual abuse allegations, the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of New York appointed a former federal judge Thursday to review its procedures and protocols.


Cardinal Timothy Dolan announced the appointment of Barbara Jones, saying many Catholics had told him they were feeling let down by the church's hierarchy after a "summer of hell." The string of bad news has included a Pennsylvania grand jury report detailing widespread sexual abuse and systematic cover-up by church officials in that state, and revelations about sexual abuse allegations against a former archbishop, Theodore McCarrick.


The move also comes two weeks after New York's attorney general announced a comprehensive investigation of how the church and its leaders handled abuse allegations across the state. Attorney General Barbara Underwood issued subpoenas to all eight of the state's Roman Catholic dioceses for documents containing information on abuse allegations and how they were investigated and handled.


Dolan didn't mention the state investigation during his news conference, instead citing pressure from ordinary Catholics.


"If I lost the trust of my people and this community, I don't have a lot left," he said.


He told Jones, who appeared alongside him at the news conference, that he was praying her "careful review and hard questions will help my good people renew their trust in the church they love and the leaders they want to believe."


The step is the latest the Manhattan-based archdiocese has taken to assure the faithful that it is serious about reform — while simultaneously opposing proposed changes to New York law that would ease certain time limits on civil lawsuits and make it easier for people abused a long time ago to sue the church.


Two years ago, the archdiocese announced it was creating an independently administered compensation fund for victims of clergy sex abuse willing to forego lawsuits. It has paid out about $60 million so far.


The system has been copied in other dioceses. Earlier this week, four men reached a $27.5 million settlement with the neighboring diocese of Brooklyn over their allegations of being sexually abused as boys by a teacher at a Catholic church.


The New York Archdiocese covers Manhattan, the Bronx and Staten Island in New York City, as well as the state counties of Dutchess, Orange, Putnam, Rockland, Sullivan, Ulster and Westchester north of the city. It is the nation's second-largest archdiocese after Los Angeles.


Hmmm IMO looks like staged damage control

Anonymous ID: 1ead8f Sept. 20, 2018, 2 p.m. No.3110027   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0068 >>0114 >>0360

SENATE JUDICIARY CONTACTED the 3 Male Witnesses at Party Named by Accuser Ford — ALL DENIED ACCUSATIONS Under Penalty of Felony!


The Senate Judiciary account went on a tweetstorm regarding their investigation on the 36-year-old allegations against Judge Brett Kavanaugh by Christine Blasey Ford.


These tweets were posted this afternoon on Thursday after a weeklong media frenzy against Judge Kavanaugh.


Blasey Ford now says she wants to testify but doesn’t know when.

The committee interviewed Judge Kavanaugh, Mark Judge and Patrick Smyth — the three men accused by Christine Blasey Ford.

ALL THREE OF THE MEN under penalty of a felony DENIED THE ACCUSATIONS By Ford!


On Monday, staff interviewed Judge Kavanaugh under penalty of felony. Democratic staff was invited and could have asked any question of Judge Kavanaugh. They declined to participate… Staff contacted Mark Judge and obtained a statement under penalty of felony. Staff contacted third person allegedly at party described by Dr. Ford and obtained a statement under penalty of felony. Staff contacted fourth person allegedly at party.

Anonymous ID: 1ead8f Sept. 20, 2018, 2:03 p.m. No.3110053   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US Sends Ships to South China Sea ‘to Create Trouble’ - Chinese Envoy


China’s chief envoy in London accused “some big countries outside the region” of coming “all the way to the South China Sea to create trouble,” where China claims large expanses of sea and atolls.


Ambassador of China to the United Kingdom Liu Xiaoming told the annual Induction Programme for Commonwealth Diplomats organised by the Commonwealth Secretariat Wednesday that regional powers had made major strides toward resolving tensions in the South China Sea by themselves.


"Yet to everyone's confusion, some big countries outside the region did not seem to appreciate the peace and tranquillity in the South China Sea," Liu said. "They sent warships and aircraft all the way to the South China Sea to create trouble."


The ambassador brought attention to the efforts between China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) to settle regional disputes among themselves. Six nations claim at least some of the South China Sea: China, Taiwan, Vietnam, the Philippines, Brunei and Malaysia. ASEAN membership largely overlaps with that list: Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.


In February, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lu Kang told reporters that China and ASEAN had begun a "mechanism" through which "various sides will have a full and in-depth exchange of views" on implementing a Declaration of Conduct in the South China Sea "and advancing maritime practical cooperation and consultations on the Code of Conduct (COC) in the South China Sea."

Anonymous ID: 1ead8f Sept. 20, 2018, 2:05 p.m. No.3110082   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Here's The Latest Sign That Michael Cohen Has Nothing To Offer Mueller


Anybody who has paid close attention to press reports claiming that Michael Cohen, Paul Manafort, and Alan Weisselberg could be the "perfect storm of cooperators" probably already realizes that Special Counsel Robert Mueller and federal prosecutors in the Southern District of New York and New York state investigators are grasping at straws. But in case you needed any more evidence, consider a report Thursday afternoon from ABC News citing anonymous sources (likely from inside the Mueller camp, just like all other leaks pertaining to grand jury testimony or private meetings with investigators) claiming that Cohen has sat for hours worth of interviews with investigators from the special counsel's office.



The special counsel’s questioning of Cohen, one of the president’s closest associates over the past decade, has focused primarily on all aspects of Trump's dealings with Russia – including financial and business dealings and the investigation into alleged collusion with Russia by the Trump campaign and its surrogates to influence the outcome of the 2016 presidential election, sources familiar with the matter tell ABC News.


Investigators were also interested in knowing, the sources say, whether Trump or any of his associates discussed the possibility of a pardon with Cohen.




ABC News has also learned that Cohen is also cooperating with a separate probe by New York state authorities into the inner workings of the Trump family charity and the Trump Organization, where Cohen served as an executive vice president and special counsel to Trump for 10 years.


But here is the key detail from the report that many readers might overlook.


The interviews with Cohen took place in Washington, D.C., and New York City. They were also attended in part by prosecutors from the U.S. Attorney’s Office in the Southern District of New York.


Cohen’s participation in the meetings has been voluntary – without any guarantee of leniency from prosecutors, according to several people familiar with the situation.

Anonymous ID: 1ead8f Sept. 20, 2018, 2:10 p.m. No.3110142   🗄️.is 🔗kun

U.S. — A ‘Democracy Where ‘Both’ Sides Represent ONLY the Aristocracy


The most comprehensive scientific study ever done of the subject has shown that America is ruled only by its few richest, not by the public. How can this be the case if its Government is run by two Parties — Democrats and Republicans? Those are merely competing factions within the aristocracy. America is a two-Party dictatorship. A dictatorship can have any number of parties. An aristocracy can have any number of factions.


The aristocracy are the country’s richest people, and they sometimes influence their government directly by their political donations, but usually they do it indirectly via their corporations — both the profit and the non-profit ones — which they control (and which lobby the government heavily, and which also advertise in the media and so control whatever media that the government and non-profits don’t control). During the prior, agrarian, era, when most property was land or “real property” instead of corporations, the richest people were formally titled as ‘nobles’, but the U.S. Constitution outlawed that, and so by now almost all aristocrats have only corporate titles (CEO, Chairman, Director, etc.), no official titles from the state (other than elected governmental positions, and the appointees of same).


Aristocrats are taught, from childhood, to compete fiercely against others of their class, but not with people ‘below’ them (who are always required simply to obey them). Duels between them, thus, were common — sometimes to the death. The aristocratic way is constant war, against everyone who resists them, even against their own peers, their competitors — sometimes to the death.


A typical example of such aristocratic control of a nation is occurring right now between America’s Republican Party aristocrats versus its Democratic Party aristocrats, and this contest concerns whether or not to impeach and replace the current Republican President of the United States, Donald Trump, by his Republican Vice President Mike Pence. Not all of the participants are local aristocrats. Foreign aristocrats also have clout in such contests. For example: the world’s wealthiest person, and the only clear-cut trillionaire, is the King of Saudi Arabia. (Jeff Bezos is a piker by comparison, around one-tenth as wealthy.) That’s the country which buys far more U.S.-manufactured weapons, such as from Lockheed Martin, than any other nation does, and these American companies (military contractors) depend 100% on sales to governments — to the U.S. and its allied countries (such as Saudi Arabia).


Furthermore, after the U.S. dollar went off the gold standard and onto the oil-standard, in the 1970s, King Saud has largely controlled the value of the U.S. dollar in the foreign-exchange markets. He, in conjunction with the needs of the U.S. Treasury, controls the oil-spigot, so as to serve the goals of both aristocracies.


MUELLER direct link to DUPONT family