Anonymous ID: 307ee6 Sept. 20, 2018, 1:58 p.m. No.3110000   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0010


Over and over, this is the pattern we see with Q.


When they are removing powerful bad actors.


Don't worry, justice is served behind the scenes.


But this method creates less economic turmoil.


Trump is using distraction to get spending bills.


Chaos provides reason to call up National Guard.


The order matters…


  1. Just in time for Kavanaugh confirmation.


  1. Just in time for release of FISA docs.


  1. Just in time for exoneration of Trump Russia.


  1. Just in time for destruction of Democratic Party.


  1. Just in time for mid term elections.


The juicy stuff can wait until after mid terms.


Normies get to keep their comfy jobs.


Ahead of schedule.


Under budget.





You put in words what I've been thinking for a while