Anonymous ID: d86905 Sept. 20, 2018, 1:50 p.m. No.3109903   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>3109389 lb

It'll be either at 3:22 or 17:17 or something like that on the day Judge K is Justice K. Watch for the vote. That's when the tsunami hits.


Remember, what's not being mentioned is while they are terrified of what's in this release, they are almost all lawyers. They know that this opens Pandora's Box and sets public precedence and S.O.P. for exposing ALL the crime they've been hiding under cover sheets and BS national security claims. THAT'S THE FAMILY JEWELS!


They all know what happened to McStain. They are beyond petrified. They are in mortal fear of their lives and they damn well should be!