Anonymous ID: 016bd4 Sept. 20, 2018, 2:48 p.m. No.3110664   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0697 >>1297

Anyone thinking everything is just peachy for us is fucking smoking crack.


One look of the videos from Project Veritas and the truth is right in front of you.


Democratic Socialists America and many others are off their ass and in the streets and in these posts, and Trump can't do a damn thing with those fucks in these jobs.


The swamp is there. Unless you can fire a federal employee, they can/ will do what they want as long as the want and they are everywhere.


Colleges churned those bitches out by the tanker load and they are all in government positions.


Project Veritas rocks btw.


It'll be a long hard row to hoe