Anonymous ID: 3b046c Sept. 20, 2018, 3:09 p.m. No.3110985   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1048 >>1105 >>1130 >>1154




What does that tell you when it continually happens?


Theories for how Q can post just before Trump tweets. (collected from previous breads)

  1. Q is with Trump a lot / all of the time, Best Buhds…

  2. Q has NSA controls and knows what / when Trump is tweeting, constantly monitored. All part of the plan.

  3. Q has advanced computer tech (quantum comp) that allows them to predict and get ahead of Trump tweets.

  4. Trump, a fren or his family is posting to 8ch.

  5. Something else.

  6. Twatter is comped by white hats.

  7. Q team has POTUS username and password and controls tweets.

  8. Some combination of points above.

  9. This is all a LARP and coincidence.


Anything else? ALien mind control, demonic possession. :)