I just mean… these are in a little atypical office building in Matthews… the roads suck in Matthews, these blokes show as in Cornelius tho, so that's a good fuggin' drive from Concord. And these companies are all founding and dissolving fast. Reminds me of burner-email accounts. Could it be some sort of backwards means of laundering?
Go a little more broad, there's 17 'UMLIC' companies in the state, and they're all kinda tied with law offices and stuff. its just a bit…. odd, looking at the results and connections to actual entities.
All of these are entities for mortgage and loan services, I don't think that's shocking but I figured it should be added… Some of the names change, but that site corroborates with the other results im finding…
ah well.
sorry forgot my actual 'coincidence' source (these names are what established the businesswiki info i screenied earlier.