State Secrets was a tactic used in Military Intelligence to actually protect information from the judicial branch itself and it was the go to silver bullet for the black hats when they were in control of the Executive Branch. The history of the activities protected by the State Secret privilege illuminates and area of law that the Government Agencies have no control over and and judicial branch WILL NOT REVEAL. Cases will be dismissed. Evidence will not be admitted. Simple as that. It can kill any case. It was used by the Clowns to bury MANY lawsuits for almost every case. But it’s a power of the executive branch to have absolute secrecy. Traditionally, this was used against us by the black hats based on the Supreme Court precedent. The White House in 1947 wanted to protect secrets aboard this aircraft and appealed this case. The Court ruled favorably. The State Secrets privilege was born. The Supreme Court at this time viewed executive authority BROADLY. The State Secrets privilege court precedent was increased further during the Bush administration. The Military Intelligence when run by the black hats setup black sites. But we would obviously now have ALL the information that was once State Secrets they were hiding. The black sites around the world. POTUS has that information. The State Secret's privilege was setup to be above Congress. It has been used to protect the most corrupt of corrupt actions. And that is what we HAVE IT ALL means. All of the black site information. The worst of it. Hidden from courts. Hidden from Congress. Hidden from anyone on the planet. The State Secrets privilege was literally above and beyond the law.