Anonymous ID: 709982 Sept. 20, 2018, 4:18 p.m. No.3111981   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Since Q&A

And you are for all things healthy and great for America/Patriots—


Tell me please please let me know when Big Pharma stops getting immunity for poisoning us? Please tell me when Vaccine Injury court paying out “Billions” stops?

When government officials stop protecting Big Pharma and start protecting their own?


When the CDC owns patents for multitudes of vaccines?

When whistleblowers can work for the CDC decades after proof of corruption was literally thrown in trash cans while the 2004 head of CDC now makes millions as head CEO of Merck?


Dr William Thompson head statistician








If you want freedoms in the political range——

Go after the other money ALSO

Pharma they give the most they have they most to lose…

Sick and tired of other first world countries have better vaccine laws than ours!!

Not all vaccines are created equal.

Not all vaccines are meant for everyone—

Should a 4 pound baby get the same size shot as a 250 man?



If you Are Prochoice—-

You can not be Provaccine period!!


So Q?


Can you answer that? Draining the swamp means getting rid of those corrupt foul Pharma bastards also!!!!


And my kid is vaccine free — but I have many friends whose kids suffer everyday from vaccine injuries—-

Big and small.

