Anonymous ID: 7f63cb Sept. 20, 2018, 3:36 p.m. No.3111373   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1393 >>1404 >>1408 >>1420 >>1509 >>1529 >>1663 >>1958



Why moon landings?

Why pentagon plane?


Perhaps too signal those concerned that their are limits to the revelations here. That this operation is intended to remove the subversion of our political process, but not to go all the way and expose everything.


I hope not. I have faith in the people leading this movement, but I can imagine there is some stuff which has been deemed too risky too expose, either because of potential disorder on a national or international level.


As much as that would suck, logic dictates that there's not much point saving the world only to throw it into the shitter.


On that note, the way Q phrased his response to the question "Did NASA fake the moon landings?" was interesting - "false, moon landings are real."


It seems like a woefully ambiguous way to phrase that answer. The question wasn't posed as True|False, and if you read it as a compound statement it could be interpreted either way.


Probably quite intentional ambiguity. Make of that what you will.