Anonymous ID: a35dd9 Sept. 20, 2018, 4:22 p.m. No.3112060   🗄️.is đź”—kun


There's a THICK dividing line between HonestAnons & All the shills, normies, haters, C-A agents, etc.


Valhalla awaits. And not just for THIS, but for what WE are going to do, BOOTS ON THE GROUND, Once The Storm clears a path for US. So on one hand, KEK!! Yes. But on the other…




History will reflect that THIS was where "The Great Sleeping Giant Of America" was brought together, and came together, UNIFIED to alert their countrymen at the beginning of the 2nd American Revolution. Nothing more…And CERTAINLY nothing less. No matter how anyone cuts it…Like it or not. KEK!!