Anonymous ID: d8db7a Sept. 20, 2018, 3:55 p.m. No.3111624   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1700



If there is any truth to the story

That a boy tried to rape Christine Blasey

At a teenage party

Then Mark Judge

A guy who said he had exactly the same haircut

as Brett Kavanaugh

Should be looked at closely

Because his record is not nearly as clean

As Brett's is

Save these two articles because they have already tries to erase them from the Internet

Anonymous ID: d8db7a Sept. 20, 2018, 4 p.m. No.3111700   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>>3094236 <<←——-<<


This Q drop is widely misunderstood.

Read this article on molecules found in space


It is entirely possible, and maybe even likely

That the organic molecules that are the building blocks

Of RNA and DNA, form naturally

As part of the process of planet formation


In that case, given the large number of solar systems

In the vastness of the Universe

And the mathematical probabilities

We are not the only organic lifeforms in the Universe


This does not mean that extraterrestrials

Or their spaceships

Have come to earth or made contact

Because, as mentioned, space is vast

And travel through it takes a long time.


Looking at the history of our planet

And of the organic lifeforms on it

We humans are the result of a number of catastrophes

Such as the comet that killed the dinosaurs

And others

So it is entirely possible

That we are the only intelligent lifeform

Within the neighborhood of space

That we can reach.


But what if an intelligent race

A long, long, long time ago

With a wealth of resources

Decided to send out hundreds of thousands of small spacecraft

That would wake up when they near a star

And put themselves into an orbit that keeps their batteries charged

And what if they contained a plaque

Like Pioneer 10

And what if we have found a satellite like that

At one of the earth's libration points

Anonymous ID: d8db7a Sept. 20, 2018, 4:03 p.m. No.3111735   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1806 >>1882

The Jesuits have decided

Trump has gone too far

It is time for him to DIE!

They sent out the message

Via their ambassador James Comey

Who stood at Mount Rushmore

Under the head of Abraham Lincoln

And said We always emerge stronger from hard times

When the Cabal has Lincoln assassinated

They did emerge stronger from hard times.


Then Comey's US lieutenant takes up the call

And orders the sleepers to fire at will

Hillary tweeted at the end of her rant

Ultimately healing our country will come down to each of us.

The weapon has been loosed

Anyone who can put themselves in position

To assassinate President Trump

Now has the go ahead.


One problem.

The sheep have woken up

The message has been intercepted and decoded

If Trump dies, then hellfire will rain from heaven

And the Cabal will be eliminated from the face of the earth

Sooner than had been planned.


But never fear

Trump is well protected

So most likely the wimpy assassins

Will shoot themselves in the foot

Alerting police to their presence.

All will be well. All that YOU have to do


Anonymous ID: d8db7a Sept. 20, 2018, 4:14 p.m. No.3111925   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2085



You have just stated the case why we should NOT murder pedophiles.

According to you pedophilia created more pedophiles.

Meaning that the victims will become pedophiles

So if we should murder the pedophiles

Then according to your logic

We shouldalso murder the victims!!!

And let God sort it out.


Be careful when you attempt to use logic

If you have no prior experience with that way of thinking.