he's a zionist shill.
no different than Alex Jones.
A plane did hit the pentagon anons.
A3 sky warrior retrofitted by Raytheon.
#77 to boot
Have you tracked down amd arrested these folks yet?
Stanley Hall, Director of Electronic Warfare Program Management (American #77); 2) Peter Gay, VP of Electronic Systems, on Special Assignment, at the El Segundo, California Division Office, where the Global Hawk UAV Remote Control System is made (American #11); 3) Kenneth Waldie, Senior Quality Control Engineer for Electronic Systems (American #11); 4) David Kovalsin, Senior Mechanical Engineer for Electronic Systems (American #11); and 5) Herbert Homer, Corporate Executive, working at the Department of Defense (United #175).
Stanley Hall, Director of Electronic Warfare Program Management (American #77); 2) Peter Gay, VP of Electronic Systems, on Special Assignment, at the El Segundo, California Division Office, where the Global Hawk UAV Remote Control System is made (American #11); 3) Kenneth Waldie, Senior Quality Control Engineer for Electronic Systems (American #11); 4) David Kovalsin, Senior Mechanical Engineer for Electronic Systems (American #11); and 5) Herbert Homer, Corporate Executive, working at the Department of Defense (United #175).