Anonymous ID: 305f9b Sept. 20, 2018, 7:41 p.m. No.3115500   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5517


I just wish I got more questions on my twitter and such, I am censored so I only get one or two a day if I'm lucky. I know I should probably enjoy it while I can cause when declas comes I'll have more than I can handle - well I just want to hurry up and help pull back the curtain on this world ya know? : ) I'm sure most of you are with me on that.


also the use of the word DECLAS - that's a 6 letter word that has the connotation of cultist due to the use of that number of letters in a mispelling. - it's a good way to begin understanding the code just by looking at 6's like Castle (6) lock - and well, too many to count actually, but when you start thinking with sixes it's much like thinking with portals ;) changes everything



eh? I used to post my AB-BA posts on reddit as my history digs - I don't get much traction in places like that, and due to my autism I either post too long or forget what I'm doing half way through - it's not as easy for me to do something as simple a task as I wish it was. So, I might do it later… I'll take a look at it anyway and I agree I should do things like that it's probably just me being stuck in a routine that I agree I should break.



One of them left the facility early and came back after her owl tried to murder her… yea.. well I also hope it goes well but things are not always going to have a happy as ending as we'd like -we have to fight for it! I am, and I hope they all do as well.



I'm still learning about it, I just have a leg-up do to my life of being an unknowing victim which I am often mining as I remember their codes all over the damn place. So we all are on this road together : )



God bless



Without the o=Eye? - interesting, and thanks for those pics, I am always on the lookout for new sylmbolsm - 2666 reminds me of

Eagle Lander in 1969 (Cult Landing on Moon) -

With Buzz Aldrin (born Edwin Eugene 6 Aldrin 6 Junior 6 = Win 666


Eagle Code for Bill Clinton in 1992 (Cult landing in WH)

With Al Gore=6 letters. Full Name: Albert (6 Letters) Arnold (6 Letters) Gore Junior (6 Letters)- that's 666


I'm not saying moon landing is fake btw- Q confirmed it - tho it was still run by cultists

Anonymous ID: 305f9b Sept. 20, 2018, 7:45 p.m. No.3115580   🗄️.is 🔗kun


last time I read that macbeth thing about Falcon (6) and Horses (6) and owls - I wasn't even aware I was a cult victim…it does bring quite a new context now that I know so much more… about the cult, the 6's turning on one another - the owls indeed never hunt the 6's without an extrodinary reason to do so.