Why is it a distract? The more info you put into your own head map the clearer the picture around you.
What we learn from them it is easy to read or they just tell us. We get the harder puzzle stuff. They don't or hardly. They tell the same story but sometimes in a different direction that fills out a story or adds a piece we are missing.
It is very easy read.
I can just filter you too but why? We are trying to find information to help.
You're jealous. lol
I wonder why the secret are on high alert.
I hear it's not for the reason we think but think mirror.
What does that mean?
I bet there are drones flying all over DC right now. Any way to find out?
That gold has been gone for decades. Not a new thing.
It's any Pope. The Cabal own Vatican. Who guards Vatican? Where are they from? Where is the headquarters of CIA. Yeah….they own the Pope and Vatican.