I have a feeling after we tackle the big pharma deception we will probably move on to the Fed Reserve District Banks and the mortgage bubble crash. A key name to remember is Daniel Mudd, Former CEO of Fannie Mae. As a banker for decades, I will tell you the public will absolutely riot when they find out the George H W Bush, Bill Clinton, and Hussein sold bogus gold back bonds to China to finance the housing mortgage market when the gold is no longer in FT Knox or the Federal Reserve banks because they, our former Presidents stole that gold. The bonds are worthless. China owns the majority of American mortgages which means they own the land. China can call in those bonds at anytime. Essentially, we live in the Republic of China. China can hold us hostage financially. Thank goodness Potus Geotus is taking back our stolen gold and treasury funds.
After researching big Pharma, I am convinced "P" stands for Pharmaceutical Companies. It's all about the reduction of the population and watching us suffer from pain and disease. Human Genocide.
Priscilla Chan