Thought just occurred to me.
Everyone takes their orders from "P"
Big P.
Big Pharma?
Why not? All the doctor deaths. The push for vaccines by rich and powerful people like Gates. Zucker's wife medically connected foundation. Abortions and birth control pushed by presidents like Bill Clinton. The rich and powerful can certainly be taking orders from "P" .. big Pharma
They have the ultimate leverage. Power over life. Maybe cures for everything. Acess to adrenochrome, doctors, secret reseafch, How do the queen, kissinger, soros, rothschilds live seemingly forever? They take their orders from "P"..
The elites have been obsessed with immortality since egyptian times and probably longer. Big Pharma is the closest thing theyve got. All those doctors, micro biologists dead to protect the secrets. You can have access all the money in the world like Soros but what can't money buy you? "P" = big Pharma fits
I should have figured it out sooner. Ive been redpilled about big pharma a while now. I dont even take advil if i dont have to. Im convinced "P"is Big Pharma, leverage over life itself. The elite would bow to that
I'm saying "P" is big Pharma. Soros, roths, pope, etc have control over money and gold but not over life. Big Pharma does, especially if they are supressing cures.
These people are sick. "P" has leverage over the sick. "P" can grant them long life. Life/blood cash